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 this is based off of the Phan Fanfiction, Messages. PLEASE READ IT! And do not say in the comments, "Oh, you stole so and so's idea. U suck," and stuff like that. I give half credit to the writer of Messages and half credit to myself. Thank you and try to understand. Enjoy.

Also please ignore the random pic I found on Google. I was too lazy to make a picture for this chapter. This will just have to do.

Phil's POV:

I approached the awaiting school building with caution. I looked around the corner of the building. I sighed in relief. I didn't see any of 'them'. I picked my bag off the ground and ran to my locker inside the building. I grabbed my books and bolted towards my classroom. No, it wasn't because I was going to be late. I just didn't want to be caught in the halls when 'they' did show up. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door to Mrs. Yang's history class. She nodded to me and continued to read her newspaper. I blinked at her and took my normal seat next to the window. I looked outside until I heard everyone else show up for class. I sighed. I always hated this class. Too many people. Not enough space. Yeah Phil, I thought to myself. Not enough space in your thick skull. I chuckled to myself. This class was so boring that everything Mrs. Yang said went in one ear and out the other.

Just then I heard it. I heard the one thing I hated the most. The Laughter.

No, I don't hate laughing. But there's a big difference between people laughing with you and people laughing at you. I turned my head slightly to look at the people behind me. Of course. Three football players and the most popular boy ever. His name rang in my head with the voices of a thousand angels.

Daniel James Howell.

I took a deep breath. The football players were pointing secretly and laughing at me. They couldn't see me looking at them. My black fringe was in the way. I felt a hot tear run down my face. I just kept staring at them. And then I looked at Daniel and he did something I've never seen him do before.

He frowned.

He looked me in the eye, or I guess he was trying since he couldn't really see my eyes all that well, and frowned. Not that, Oh Look at That Poor Thing, frown, but an I'm So Sorry you have To Go Through This  frown. The football players turned around with their backs to me to continue their conversation. I turned to face Daniel. His eye's officially locked with mine. I could have sworn that I could see tears in his eyes but I knew I was wrong. I turned my lips into a warm smile and lifted my hand to send him a small wave. He smiled, showing his perfect teeth, and waved back. Just then the bell rang and everyone took their seats.

Mrs. Yang was rambling on about something. I didn't hear. I was too busy looking out the window. I loved watching the clouds change shape as they drifted through the sky. They were a hella lot more entertaining than this class. Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and it said that someone had  texted me. I made sure Mrs. Yang wasn't looking and I checked it. It was from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, I know how much you love to watch the clouds roll by but please try and pay attention. I don't want you to flunk this year of school. I don't want to be separated from you. Xxx.

I blushed as I read it. I looked around the room but I couldn't see anyone looking my way. I wanted to text back, but I didn't want to risk getting caught. Besides, this could just be a prank. I waited until lunch. I pulled out my phone and got a text right then.

Unknown: You look very beautiful today. Xxx.

I looked around the crowded cafeteria.

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