Fifty Shades Of Phan

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Ok. Let me clarify. I have never, Never read fifty shades of gray or seen the movie. This is just going to be like my version. Just thought I should tell you all this before I started. Thank you for your time.

ps. Smut warning obviously.

Phil's POV:

It was a normal Wednesday. I was typing on my computer. I had to get this work in on tine. I had a squeaky clean record here at Howell's Corporation (I was so tempted to write Howell's and Nobel.) and I wasn't ready to ruin that record just yet. Just then the receptionist, Chris came to my desk. I stopped typing and turned to him.

"Mr. Lester," he said with a sad tone. "Mr. Howell would like to speak to you."

My eyes widened and my world fell. I felt people turn and some gasp. We all knew that could only mean one thing. My career was over. If you were called to Howell's office, you ether came out with no job or you didn't come out at all. I bowed my head and Chris patted my shoulder. I nodded and stood. People shook their heads in disappointment. They knew what a good worker I was. Why me? I thought to myself.

Chris placed a hand on Howell's office door and gave me a weak smile. "Good luck lion," he whispered. I half smiled, trying to show that I wasn't scared. And I wasn't.

I was terrified.

Chris pushed open the door and I stepped inside. I heard the door shut. My heart jumped. There was Mr. Daniel Howell in his office chair. His brown hair swept slightly over his face. "Please, Phillip, sit down." I walked forward and sat in the large chair in front of his desk. He looked me in the eye and smiled, something almost no one saw him do, except me. He raised an eyebrow. "Why look so nervous Phillip," he asked, a devilish smile replacing his normal one. I tried to form words but couldn't. He laughed a little.

"Phillip. You know the rules here at Dan's Corporation(/Howell's and Noble) well enough to tell me. What is rule number 69?"

"Rule number 69 on page 201 paragraph 5. No sexual acts or attempts shall be tolerated," I answered, quickly.

"Good. Now, Phillip. Don't lie, have you broken this rule before?"

I bite my lip. I had. It was last week on Friday. I was having a bad case of morning wood which followed me to the evening. It got to where I couldn't stand it anymore and I 'gave it some relief' in the bathroom.

I nodded. "Yes sir," I whispered.

"Well, I must say. I am greatly disappointed in you Phil." I shivered when he called me by my nickname. "I expected more from you."

"I sorry, Mr. Howell," I said, on the verge of tears.

"No. no. Don't worry about it. You're not fired, so stop staring at me with that look. But I'm not going to just let you off the hook. You must be punished."

I was relieved. "How must I be punished Mr. Howell?"

"I'll show you." He leaned over his desk and grabbed the collar of my shirt. He pulled my lips to his. I was too shocked to move. My body practically went numb. Once I got the feeling back in me, I kissed back with force, showing I was not scared. I felt him smirk. He pulled back and walked around his desk. He pulled me out of the chair and kissed me again. He tore open my button up shirt and unbuttoned my jeans, all without breaking the kiss. I had to pull back for air. Dan kissed down my neck and stomach. He grabbed my jeans and pulled them down until they were off my body, leaving me in only boxers. He relieved me of my boxers too. He tore off his own shirt and jeans and boxers to reveal his perfect body. He pulled me close and whispered, "What do you want me to do to you?"

"Make love to me," I whispered, realizing how stupid it sounded.

"Oh, my love. I don't 'make love'. I fuck. Hard."

"Well then, fuck me harder than you've ever fucked before," I said, becoming more confident. He liked this answer. "That a boy. That's what I love to hear." He moved me to a sofa in the corner of his office. He laid me down on my back and licked his lips. He licked down my body and took my entire member into his mouth. He started sucking me off, not bothering to start off slow. I moaned, trying not to buckle my thighs. I felt my stomach rumble. "I'm close," I whispered. I wish I had just kept my mouth shut. As soon as Dan heard me, he stopped. I whimpered. "Not on my watch you're not." He leaned over the sofa and pulled a box out from underneath it. Inside was a large variety of sex toys. He smirked and pulled out a brand new cock ring. He got an even more evil smile. He put the ring on me and flipped me over onto my stomach. He pressed his hand on my back. He took a pair of handcuffs out of the box and attached them to my wrists and to the post of the couch. He also put a red blindfold over my eyes. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed in, without warning. He thrusted into me with great force and power. I moaned and so did he. He took one hand and slapped my ass. I moaned louder. This wasn't enough for him. He slapped me again and I moaned louder, grateful that his doors were soundproof. I felt my cum building up inside me. I needed to let it out, but couldn't. After about 20 minutes, Dan came, filling me up. We moaned in sync. He pulled out and uncuffed my hands and pulled of the blindfold. I was relieved but still in pain. "Dan," I whispered, gesturing to my thighs. He smirked and flipped me over again. He spread my legs and removed the ring, immediately putting his mouth on me again. He put his hands on my spread knees and gave a powerful suck. I came all in his mouth and he swallowed it all.

He laid down beside me and held my weak body in his hands. "Well Phillip. I'll admit. That was the best I've ever had. You did amazingly. Now, do you promise to never break a rule again?"

I was slightly out of breath. "If I say no, does that mean you'll have to 'punish' me again?"

"I guess so."

"Then no," I said smirking. "I don't promise that."

It was Monday morning the next week and my thighs still hurt from my other 'punishment' I had on Friday. I made sure I got to work late. My co workers noticed my sudden change. I started coming to work late and I slacked on my work. I got to my desk 5 minutes late and the lady in the next desk watched me. There was a note on my desk. I picked it up and read it.


You're late again. Doesn't surprise me. Report to my office immediately. It's time for your punishment. I wore a belt today too. Get ready for some red marks.

~Daniel Howell xoxo.

I couldn't help but smile. I took off my jacket and left it on my chair. I began to walk to Dan's office. My fellow workers watched me. But then I saw they weren't watching me, but rather in front of me. There was Dan, standing outside his door leaning against the wall. He smirked an evil, evil smirk when he saw me. "Well, Phil. What's the excuse today?"

"I don't have one," I answered. I heard some people gasp at my response. Dan just kept smirking. "Well, please step into my office." He snapped his teeth and my heart jumped. I walked quickly into his office.

Dan closed the door and pulled off his shirt and belt. He tossed the shirt down and snapped the belt.

I love my job.


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