1: The perks of being homeschooled

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The birds are tweeting and the sun is streaming through my windows as Zoe flings open my curtains and tells me to wake up.

Checking my alarm clock, I realise that it's already 9:30 and I haven't started my school work yet.

I'm homeschooled, so I don't have to get up early or go to school, but I still have to do work! Even if it is in my pyjamas...

I follow Zoe downstairs to the big kitchen table where Alfie is sitting with his laptop in front of him.

"Did you have a good sleep Steph?" He asks me, looking up from the bright screen.

"It was, well until I woke up!" I laughed.

Grabbing a bowl, spoon, cereal and milk, I sit down at the table opposite Alfie.

I eat my breakfast but Alfie doesn't engage much in the conversation, whatever's happening on the screen in front of him is obviously quite stressful.

Once I'm finished with breakfast, I shower and get changed. Today I put on my black TopShop high waisted skinny jeans with my 5sos concert t-shirt, and put my wet hair in a messy bun.

I grab my laptop and school bag before going downstairs. Deciding to leave Alfie in peace, I go to sit at the big desk in the living room, but Zoe is sitting there.

I drag my bag back upstairs to my bedroom where I set myself down at my desk.

Pulling out my science revision workbook, I grab my highlighters and page markers and study a few topics to death!

Looking at my phone, I see that it's 1:30, so I go downstairs and make myself some chocolate spread sandwiches to eat.

Once finished, I check my timetable to see that next 'lesson' is p.e.

How could I forget?! P.e is my favourite subject (apart from IT because I get to film and edit videos).

I go downstairs and tell Zoe, she gives me a £10 note and I go and catch the bus to the ice rink.

As I'm a figure skater, I train twice a week, on a Monday afternoon for two hours, and on a Thursday afternoon for two hours.

I walk through the door to see my coach already in the conditioning room, and she looks annoyed.

"Come on Steph! You're 10 minutes late!" She exclaims.

"Sorry coach." I mumble.

Before every session I do half an hour of conditioning to warm my muscles up, before an hour of skating, and then another half an hour of conditioning to cool down.

After I'd finished my set of push ups, sit ups and leg stretches, I put my skates on and finally stepped out onto the ice.

I do a few simple waltz jumps and scratch spins before attempting the hard stuff.

At the end of it I was quite proud and extremely exhausted as I managed to successfully land a double toe loop, double salchow and an axel. I also perfected my camel spin and sit spin, which were both troubling me last week.

I quickly got my cool down conditioning done then caught the bus home to collapse in my bed and sleep for what felt like a year.


Hey I'm back, this is the first official chapter of the sequel!

What do you think so far?

I'm excited!

And do you like the cover? I made it myself and I really love it!

Eliza :)

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