5: Siblings?

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"Steph, you can't stay in bed forever." Zoe tells me firmly.

It's two days later and the only times when I've got out of bed were to go to the toilet. Zoe felt sorry for me and brought all my food upstairs for me.

Finally, the thought of not posting videos on YouTube and upsetting people made me get out of bed, but I still didn't want to go back to Sally's house.

Finally the next Sunday rolled around and I was dropped off on Sally's doorstep. Zoe didn't drive off until I had been safely taken inside so that I couldn't run away again.

I noticed as Sally lead me inside that she locked the door behind us, she obviously wasn't taking any chances of me running away again.

I am led into the living room where Steve and Stanley are sitting squashed up onto a small sofa.

I am expected to sit down on the sofa opposite, next to Sally.

Sporting a chair on the edge of the little gathering of seats, I sit by myself on it.

Stanley smiles and let's out a little laugh. His happy spiteful face twists into a grimace as Steves' hand digs into his back, probably pinching him for being so rude.

We have a meaningless conversation that I don't join in with before being encouraged to go up to Stanley's bedroom with him.

Once we are alone together I see him visibly relax, and I stare at the spot where Steve pinched him.

"Does he hurt you a lot?" I ask.

Stanley looks up at me with wide eyes. "Uh um no yes no. Yes."

"You should tell someone that. Does he ever hit you? You can trust me Stanley." I tell him.

"Stan. And yeah he hits me but not as much as he used to. He's got used to putting up with me I think. I hate him." He explains.

"So he's not your dad?" I ask in surprise.

"No way! Sally is my mum though and I hate her too, but at least she doesn't hit me." He tells me.

"Wait....Sally's your mum?" I ask.

"Yeah why?" Stan replies.

"Sally's my mum. We're brother and sister! Where's your real dad?" I question him.

"My dads dead." He says quietly.

"Mine too! Wait, we might have the same dad..... How old are you?"

"14-" he starts.

"SAME! I was born on the 18th October."

"Me too!" He exclaims.

"We're twins!" I yell.

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