2: A shock

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"Wake up Steph." Zoe whispers as she gently shakes me awake.

A glance at my phone tells me that it's 8am, time to get up and start some school work.

"Get changed and come down to breakfast, we have something important to talk to you about." She continues, then walks out of the door.

I roll out of bed and crawl into the bottom of my wardrobe, then stop messing around and just get up.

I pick out some blue denim shorts and a white crop top, then throw a red checked shirt over the top. I put my hair up into another messy bun and stack 5sos wristbands up my arms.

I go downstairs to see Zoe and Alfie sitting at the kitchen table with very serious expressions on their faces.

A letter sits in front of them, the torn envelope it arrived in sticks out of the top of the bin.

"What's wrong?" I ask curiously.

"Don't worry sweetie, just eat your breakfast and then we will talk about it." Zoe calmly replies.

I shrug and fill my bowl with shreddies, realising how hungry I was as I dug into it.

Once I'd finished and placed my bowl in the dishwasher, I sat back down at the table.

"Steph, we aren't sure how you're going to react to this, but whatever you wish to do, we will support you 100%." Alfie explains.

Now I'm really confused. What's going on?

"Steph," Zoe starts. "Your birth mother has contacted social services. She wants you back."

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