Chapter 20

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zayn got signed to a thing

i'm (: bc yay!! he's happy!!

but i'm ): bc he's 100% not coming back to 1D


As I stepped outside the house, Harry was no where to be seen. I walked closer to the railing to get a wider range of the view.

When my mouth opened to call out his name, I spotted movement at the edge of the tree line. He stepped foot onto a clear path.

I walked down the stairs and across the large yard as fast as I could - considering I was wear heels that made me tall enough to whisper to Jesus. I finally made it to the opening of the path. With a deep breath in, from all the hard work I just did, I started following the trail, hoping that Harry had slowed down his pace.

I looked down after about 15 minutes of walking. My shoes were covered in dirt and my feet were aching. I looked up to see an opening in the trees, and met with a glistening from the sun.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him. Harry sat on the shore of the lake, not noticing I was there.

I walked up slowly, my footsteps making his head turn.

"Are you okay?" I asked laying my hand on his shoulder. He didn't speak, he just lifted his shoulders in a shrug.

"What happened?" I asked again, sitting down on the sand to his left.

His green eyes left the water and put their attention on me. He scanned my face for a moment before speaking.

"I can't lie to my sister." He spoke slowly. "She thinks I'm getting married to Jane...and I can't lie to Janet like that."

"You think?" I question his choice of words.

Harry took a shaky breath. "I can't marry Jane. I just can't, Monica."

His hand carefully laid itself in my open palm, lacing our fingers together.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why not? You seemed to be okay with it in the beginning-"

"Because I'm in love with someone else." He blurted out looking at me.

He squeezed my hand lightly as I turned away, my cheeks heating up at his words.

"Harry..." The only word I'm able to make out.

"I'm in love with you, Monica Finns. I have been in love with you since you were my fucking student, and the only thing that has changed is my love getting stronger every-fucking-day." He said in a strong tone. I felt his eyes still looking at me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "How can I possibly marry someone that I utterly hate, when the girl I am in love with is always on my mind."

His hand comes under my chin, making me face him. "Do you know how much I suffered after you left? I spent most of my time trying to figure out where the hell you went." He breathed out, his eyes darting all over my face. "Then you were in magazines, on television, in Jane's stupid stores she would drag me into. You were everywhere, except here."

I shook my head. "Why were you making an effort to find me when you're the one that left?" I tore my hand from his, standing up and dusting the sand from my dress.

Harry followed me up, the height difference wasn't much.

"Because I'm fucking stupid and let my job blind me from admitting my love for you!" His voice raised in volume, making me roll my eyes.

"You're not in love with me, Harry." I turned around, starting my way back to the trail, "You said it yourself."

"I can prove it." He grabbed my forearm tightly.

I turned around to face him again. "Harry, you don't-"

Harry continued to make eye contact with me as he kneeled down on one knee. His hands gripped mine as if it was keeping him alive.

"Monica Finns, If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would choose loving you." He shook his head, laughing at his own words. "That was stupid; I've already ruined this. But anyway, I was the biggest asshole on the fave if the earth. I let the most beautiful, funny, and wonderful person slip through my fingers when you left, and the pain in my heart made me realize that I did love you with everything I have. I would be happier with you in my life than anyone or any job could make me - I just want you, Monica."

I stared down at him, stunned. Tears leaked out of my eyes at his words.

He definitely proved his love to me.

"So what do you say Monica?" Harry said, still on his knee. "I know I don't have a ring, but will you marry me?"

My free hand covered my mouth as I let out a quiet sob.

I shook my head, the shaking was almost violent.

"Yes. A million times, yes." I said.

Harry stood up, his hand grabbing my waist while my arms found their way around his neck. His lips ran into mine with so much love.



sorry i haven't updated lol I honestly just didn't feel like it ): this book is almost over, isn't that sad????

Oh my god when i typed "this book is almost over" i broke into tears lmg omgogmgofmgomf

this is almost over, and thank you so much for the journey. "My Teacher" almost has 500k reads THAT IS CRAZY!

thank you so much for everything. I'm so proud of everything.

When i'm older and at a job interview, I'm going to say "well my harry styles fan fiction got like 500k read so (:" and hopefully i get hired bc DAMN 500k!!

but i can't finish this thank you bc the book ISN'T OVER YET!!


love you all,

Poppy xx

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