Sugar Daddy|Lashton

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Sugar Daddy

All rights reserved

By: Alexandra Adams

Ashton Irwin is a multi millionaire record producer.
Some may say he has it all;
However that's not the case in the romance department.

He may be a successful good looking 21 year old, but he's never even had a first kiss.

But when he takes a walk downtown only to meet a good looking homeless boy; Luke Hemmings who insists he's straight.

When Ashton gets desperate for someone to call his own he offers him a car, and thus the Sugar Daddy deal began.

But what will happen when true feelings are brought to the mix?

All Rights Reserved:
No parts of this publication may be reproduced, Stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission by publisher.


There will be a trade between tops and bottoms....

I couldn't decide so yeahhh


I may add Malum.... We'll see.

Updates will be slow since this is a side book....

It's like my side bitch that I fxck sometimes.

I am so weird...

I mean this was supposed to be professional.

Nothings professional with me thooo......

And I'm listening to mu

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