Chapter 1

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Ashton woke up and sleepily rubbed his eyes. He got out of and tripped over nothing. He grumbled nonsense under his breath and grabbed a towel from the closet and walked into his bathroom. He quickly showered then hopped out suddenly more awake. He put on his nice fluffy pink robe brushing his teeth and used mouth wash. He yawned and blow dried his hair then combed it thoroughly.

He nodded contently at his appearance walking to his closet, just like everyday, he grabbed a long sleeve button up shirt and black skinny jeans. He put on boxer then his chosen out fit, he also slipped on vans and he smiled sadly at his reflection, "New day, same rutean." He sighed and walked downstairs.

He smiled as he saw his chef, Gill, set out a plate of egg with cheese for him. He noticed the ring on Gill's finger asked hesitantly, "How did you meet you wife? Or husband?" He questiond sheepishly smiling as Gill turned with a raised eyebrow. "You don't have to answer, never mind." He groaned sadly.

"I don't mind telling you. I met her back home in India." He smiled as if recalling the memory, he spoke in his thick accent and told him, "She was so different. While everyone was wearing dresses and mainly the typical clothes of our people, she was wearing clothes her uncle sent her from America. She was wearing shorts and a shirt. I guess it was love at first sight because I just had to talk to her. Fortunately I did after following her like a creep for half an hour. We ended up chatting and two years we got married." He gave Ashton a wide smile and asked curiously, "Why do you ask, sir?"

"I just- I don't know. I feel so alone. Sure I have all this money and people probably think 'Oh, he's so lucky, he has it all'! Well, in the form of fame and fortune, you'd be correct but..." Ashton was cut off when Gill finished for him.

"You don't have anyone to share it with?" He gave a sympathetical smile and turned back to what he was doing.

Ashton nodded, "Yeah, whats the point of having stuff if you don't have someone to share it with, to spoil and make smile." He sighed looking at his watch. "I have to get to work, thank you for listening to my rambles." He chuckled and Gill sent him a wave.

He got in his convertible and drove to work. When he got there, girls weren't crouding the entrance and let out a breath of relief. He got out of the car then walked into the building to be met by reporters yelling and shouting questions. He rolled his eyes and ran to the elevator going up to his floor quickly. When he got there he said hello to the lady working the front desk; like always.

He walked into his office seeing a scared looking Calum. His eyebrows furrowed and he tapped his shoulder causing him to jump. "Whoa, Cal, you okay?" Ashton questioned setting his breif case behind his desk.

"Billie Joe locked himself in the recording booth. Your the only one with keys! He keeps shouting strange things we think he's going insane..." Calum looked down sadly. He's always been a fan of Green Day and to think that one of the members is having a rough time makes him feel sad. He tried calming him down but Billie just through a letter opener at him. Fortunately he missed, but it cut deeply into the wall... Less than an inch from his face.

"I knew something was up! He's been acting so weird and angry." Ashton rubbed his face in frustration, "But why the hell are reporters here?" He asked worried it got out some how.

"Someone here leaked a video... I think it was Luarel, you know, the new front desk lady?" Calum said. Ashton nodded and got up walking over to her desk grabbing her phone from her hands and looked through it ignoring her shouts. He went through her gallery and saw the video and shot her a glare.

"Ms.Walker, this is against your contract we had you sign to work here. You are fired and I'm sure Green Day will want to press charges. Calum please see to it that this is all taken care of." He looked to his friend who nodded and Ashton started walking towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?" Calum asked worried and Ashton just gave him a look.

"For a walk." He answered and Calum nodded. The elevator doors shut and Ashton leaned his head against the wall. When the doors opened he quickly ran out and doged them and made it out and down the street. He tried catching his breath as he walked in the cold winter air. He looked around and spotted a boy, rather good looking, with a blonde quiff obviously taller than Ashton, across the street. He felt drawn to the lad and went to cross the street but a bus passed and when it passed completely, the blonde was gone.

He shook his head slightly and looked around a bit for him. Unfortunately there was no luck and he sighed walking back to work, preparing himself for a long day.


"So, your saying you saw a phantom?" Michael quirked an eyebrow as Ashton explained when he saw the pretty blonde. They were playing pool in the entertainment room drinking beer.

"Well, I think he was real. However, he slipped away within seconds. He was so different though. I think he could've been homeless. His clothes were filthy and I don't know, I'm rambling." He sighed setting down his pool stick. Ashton put his finished beer bottle in the bin and walked towards the stairs.

"Ash, if you think you were made to meet him you should probably take a walk over there tomorrow." Michael offered. Ashton nodded saying a simple 'goodnight' which was returned. He walked into his room simply stripping out of his clothes remaining in his boxers. He sighed and got under the covers.

As he was about to fall asleep he heard his phone vibrate and saw a text from his mom saying to call him. He quickly went to her contact and pressed the green button. He heard the dial tone and two rings later it stopped, "Mum what's wro-" he was cut off by her voice.

"Oh sweetie! I was wondering if you had a moment to talk. I haven't heard from you lately." Ann said chiperly. Ashton could hear Harry and Lauren, his siblings, arguing about something in the background.

"Mum, it's almost midnight here. I need to sleep." He chuckled fiddling with a loose thread on his blanket, "Can I call you tomorrow or something?" He questioned with a yawn.

"Yes dear. But you better actually call this time." She said in a stern tone. He agreed and they bid farewells. Once she was off the line he let out a breath of relief. He loves his mom, she just can get to pushy and she pries... Allot. He turned off his phone and laid down closing his eyes and slowly fell asleep dreaming of the delicious blonde he saw earlier that day.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is short (1,222 words *shrugs*)

Last chapter was like a solid 2,000 words so this ones allot shorter...

And yes, the blonde boy he saw was Luke :)

Next chapter will be looooonger! I just wanted to slowly introduce Lukey in XD

But yes, he will be meeting Luke in person soon. (Sooner than you thinkkkkkk)

I lob chu!


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