Chapter 4

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When Luke and Ashton arrived to Ashton's house Luke scanned his surroundings. Ashton had a huge house with a huge yard and what appears to be a pool in the backyard. Luke awkwardly followed Ashton to this garage type building on the lot next door where a house should be. It had six garage doors on each side of it all with driveways that lead to one.

When Ashton unlocked the door Luke saw eleven cars that cost probably a million dollars each.

He gaped and ran his fingers over the hood of a moserati. He smiled, he never thought he would ever even be lucky enough to see this type of car in person. He was broken from his trance when Ashton called out, "Wanna see your new car?" He looked up and almost screamed from excitement as Ashton stood by a baby blue Lamborghini.

Ashton held out the keys and Luke hesitantly took them, "Is this really mine?" Luke whispered, almost like if he spoke louder everything would shatter.

"Of course it's yours. As long as your my sugar baby you can keep it." Ashton chuckled nervously. Luke smiled and gave him a big hug almost squeezing the life out of him, "Well, I hope you like it." Ashton smiled as Luke retracted his arms and unlocked the car.

"Ashton, I love it! Thank you so, so, so much! I've never even had a car before! I have a licence but never had a car." Luke smiled as he slowly sat in the dark blue seats. It was stained leather and it was gorgeous. He knew the car must've been extremely expensive so now he has an idea on how rich Ashton really is.

"Well I'm glad. Now let's come inside and we can go for a drive later, yeah?" Ashton offered extending a hand to Luke. Luke nodded and took his hand as he stood from the car. He locked it, and the building then they went inside Ashton's mansion of a home. When they walked inside he noticed a guys with Green hair and tattoos sitting at the kitchen table, "Michael, come meet Luke." Ashton said pushing Luke forward.

Luke waved awkwarldy, as penguins do and Michael walked over, "So, are you gay? You don't have a gay vibe." Michael said looking at the boy who practically screamed 'straight'. As he eyed the boy he saw the keys to the Lamborghini. His eyes widened remembering that Luke was homeless, "Oh shit..." He muttered and smiled sheepishly then ran off to his room scream something about how this is all so wrong.

"Sorry bout him... Michael can be -eh, he can be strange." Ashton giggled and Luke oddly found that adorable in totally non-homosexual way.

"He's fine. He just doesn't know me yet." Luke shrugged then laughed, "We sound as if we're talking about an animal." He smiled with laughs leaving his pretty lips. Soon he heard a phone ring and Ashton groaned.

"This'll only take a moment. Sit down and make yourself comfortable." Ashton smiled sliding his finger across the screen of his iphone, "Calum, what do you want? I have a date over. No we weren't having sex! Alright, we'll see. Yeah, okay I'll ask. See ya Cal." Ashton sighed and set his phone down. Luke gave him a questionable look and Ashton then started speaking, "There's a business party soon and I was wondering if you'd be my date. I'd give you something for it of course." Ashton smiled sheepishly.

"Well sure I guess. As long as it's not going to be too boring. And not to sound like a bitch, but, whats in it for me?" He raised an eyebrow as Ashton took a seat next to him cuddling into his side.

"How does a new iPhone 6 sound?" Ashton looked up at Luke and smiled. Luke nodded approvingly and Ashton sighed, "We're gonna have to go tuxedo shopping though. Maybe in an hour?" Ashton asked as he turned on the TV.

"Sounds good to me." Luke smiled and cringed internally before kissing Ashton's temple.

But little did he know, he secretly wanted to.

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