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When Luke got home around eight in the morning, smelling of weed and alcohol, he pulled out his keys going up to the front door. Before he even had a chance to put the keys in the lock, the door flew open to a frantic Ashton, "Luke! Oh god, I was so worried about you, I-- Is that fucking weed?" Ashton stopped, catching a whiff of the blonde.

"Yeah, so what?" Luke rolled his eyes walking to the kitchen, the brunette scurrying after him quickly.

"You have no idea how worried I was, and now finding out you were out smoking weed!" Ashton raged trying to get Luke to realize how stupid he was, "You could've at least left a note saying you were taking my car. Are you even listening!?" Ashton growled grabbing Luke's sleeve. When Ashton tugged him back he noticed a hicky on Luke neck that he didn't create, "Is that a fucking hicky!?" Ashton gasped.

"It shouldn't even matter to you! We aren't even a real fucking couple" Luke yelled cause the shorter man to step back tears gathering in his eyes, "Could you get off my back for once!?" Luke shouted, banging his fist in the marble counter.

"What the fuck is all this yelling about? It's Sunday, dammit!" Michael shouted from the stairs, "Whatever God damn problem you two have, fix it so I can sleep!" And with that, the green haired kitten went back to his room to hibernate.

Luke sighed looking back to Ashton, the tension filling the room as an awkward silence fell, "Who did you sleep with?" Ashton said almost in a whisper. Luke just scoffed, pouring himself a bowel of cereal ignoring Ashton's hurt eyes watching his every move, "We need to talk about this Luke."

The blonde nodded setting down his bowl, my ex girlfriend. She was at a party I went to, I had a little too much to drink and well..." He trailed off sitting down at the kitchen table not daring to look at Ashton's face. Luke felt slightly ashamed, but it wasn't like he cheated since they aren't even together. No need to feel bad at all.

"Was she better than me?"

Luke was taken aback by Ashton's whisper of a question. Luke thought hard about the question and realized that in fact, no. Ashton was the best sex he's ever had but he couldn't let Ashton know that, "I don't know. Dosent seem fair to say?"

So they left it at that, both knowing things would be a bit different from now on.


They had decided to go out for dinner that night, so that they did. Luke felt uncomfortable in the fancy restaurant that almost felt like a palace. Ashton smiled from across the table picking up a menu. Luke looked over the menu not sure what to get, everything seemed almost as if they were textbook words.

When the waiter came around he ordered the first thing on the menu and Ashton ordered some kind of French platter, "So, how are you liking this place?" Ashton smiled laying his napkin on his lap as they awaited their overly expensive meals.

"I mean, it's nice but what the hell is half of this shit?" Luke said motioning to the whole menu, ignoring a few glares from others regarding his fowl language. Ashton just laughed shrugging his shoulders, taking a sip of his water casually.

Clearing his throat Ashton then spoke, "You ordered some kind of Turkish vegan meal." Ashton laughed again seeing Luke's face scrunch up, not like the idea of a vegan meal. He was hoping for a steak at the least. After half an hour of talking about whatever came to mind, their food was brought out to them.

Ashton had a dumpling and broccoli stew while Luke had vegan slop made to look pretty. It failed. Ashton immediately tucked into his food enjoying it to the fullest. Luke just poked his slosh, hoping it would disappear. Ashton just watched amused as the blonde complained, "This looks fucking gross."

"You'll never know how it tastes til you try it." Ashton smirked watching Luke cringe harder, "C'mon Luke, don't be a pussy."

And just like that Luke dug into the sorry excuse for food. As soon as it hit his tongue, Luke's tastebuds were all crying in pain. It was very spicy and Luke realized Ashton had known by the way the man was laughing, "You fucker! You set me up." Luke glared drink his milk, like the man he is.

"What can I say, I enjoy tricking you, Luke." Ashton chuckled as Luke desperately tried getting the spice out of his mouth, but failing. When the waiter passed by Luke asked, more like demanded, another glass of milk. Watching the waiter walk away Luke groaned letting his flaming tongue hang for his parted lips.

An hour later the two boys had eaten and we're all set to leave. Ashton waved over the waiter, the man rushing over happily, "Did you two gentleman enjoy your meal?" He asked cheerfully collecting their dirty plates and utensils. Luke tried to hold back his laugh.

"It was gross." He scoffed but noticed Ashton's glare, "I mean, it was splendid. The tastes were so evenly balanced and cooked to perfection!" Luke said, impersonating a posh person. What he said must've been enough since the waiter was thanking him a ton. Luke raised his eyebrows as Ashton paid the expensive bill, and left a more than generous tip.

They got up, joining hands and walking out of the building. Luke yawned as they walked back out to Ashton's car. They were both tired and ready to get to bed. They both agreed on staying in different rooms for the next few nights, so Ashton was a little clingy knowing he wouldn't have Luke all night.

Once they got home, they shared a goodnight kiss and went into their seperate rooms, not realising the other person missed them just as much.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


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