Chapter 16

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Luke, Calum, and Ashton were walking around the mall shopping for Ashton. It was the brunette lad's birthday the next day and they were busy doing some last minute shopping, making sure they have everything he could possibly want for his birthday. It was past lunchtime and the trio had already been shopping for three hours with only small breaks, that's dedication.

Luke looked at his map of the large mall and searched for their next stop, "Okay, I have to pick up some things from a jewelry shop. Do you guys want to come, or just split up?" Luke asked as he stood by the turn.

Michael looked at his and Calum's lists and started walking to Luke, "I have some stuff I need to pick up from the shop next-door, we'll come along." Michael answered Luke with a smile.

When they got to their shops they went separate ways, Calum going in with Luke and Michael going solo. The blonde went up to the counter where a woman sharply dressed stood behind a glass showcase full of jewelry, "Excuse me, I'm here to pick up a custom necklace." He spoke.

"Of course. May I have your order number and name?" She asked walking to the computer they had to the side. Luke gave the required information to confirm the pick-up, when finished the woman grabbed the custom necklace from the showcase, "You have amazing taste, sir. Please come again." She said with a smile.

Luke grabbed his bag and went over to Calum who was holding a new watch he bought, "Pretty, Ashton will love it!" Luke smiled admiring the crystal faced watch.

"Actually, this is for me. My last one broke, I had to special order this three months ago." Calum chuckled. They left the jewelry store and went to the food court which is where Michael texted them to meet at.

"Hoes!" Michael screamed when he saw his friends walk in the room, "I'm over here!" He yelled waving his arms in the hair whilst standing on a chair.

"Mikey, get the fuck off that chair before you kill yourself." Calum instructed watching Michael nearly fall as he stepped off the wooden chair.

"I can tell who tops now." Luke laughed.

Michael and Calum both glared but sat down to start tucking into the pizza Michael ordered.


After a few more hours the boys finished shopping and Luke and Michael arrived home. Calum had taken all the gifts home to hide from Ashton, and also since he's the best at gift wrapping.

Luke let out a relaxed breath as he settled on the couch, his painful shoes a distant memory. Luke was half asleep when Ashton walked in shirtless. Ashton smirked seeing the sleepy boy and plopped on the couch next to home, jolting the blonde back into reality, "Damn you must really be tired to not of noticed my man tits." Ashton joked, scooting closer to Luke.

Luke smirked looking at Ashton's bare chest and quickly climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. "Why don't you top tonight, since your birthday is tomorrow after all." Luke offered, sucking on Ashton's neck.

The brunette didn't respond, he just picked Luke up and carried the lad into his room. Ashton set Luke down onto the bed, climbing on top quickly. Luke bit his lip ring as he felt Ashton remove his shirt, running his hands everywhere.

Soon, both striplings were left in nothing but their birthday suits, admiring each other. "Why don't you suck daddy's cocke? Get it all nice and hard for your tight little hole." Ashton said standing up by the edge of the bed.

Luke giggled, excited to try out the daddy kink. The blonde knelt on the corner of the bed on his hands and knees, lifting one hand Luke began stroking the man's thick length.

Ashton threw his bed back loving the feeling of Luke touching him in such a way, "Fuck baby, put that pretty mouth on my cocke."

"Okay, Daddy." Luke said complying and put his open mouth on the tip of Ashton's cocke. At first he took it slow, bit by bit, but then Ashton thrusted hard into Luke's mouth hitting the back of the blonde's throat. Luke gagged but didn't stop, he went deeper on Ashton stroking what he couldn't get with his mouth.

"Fuck, I'm close. You should stop before I cum." Ashton stuttered out. Luke did exactly the opposite though and deep throated Ashton all the way, feeling the large warm cocke deep in his throat. Luke pulled off with a pop watching Ashton shiver.

"You disobeyed me." Ashton tskd shaking his head, "Turn the other way, ass up." He commanded. Luke listened and did just as told not knowing what Ash was going to do. Luke was thinking when he felt a slap on his left ass cheek causing him to moan, "You like it when daddy punishes you? I guess I'll have to find something tougher next time."

Luke bit his lip again as he felt Ashton press a lubed up index finger into his virgin hole. Luke winced at the slight stretch, this was a new sensation to him, "Tell me when, baby boy." Ashton spoke kissing Luke's back. After a minute or so Luke gave the go ahead letting Ashton know it's okay to add another finger.

Ashton added his middle finger and began scissoring the boy, trying to get him prepped. When the strained sounds became moans Ashton added a final finger, pressing them in and out at a quick pace. Luke cried out in pleasure feeling Ashton hit his prostate, "Fuck, Daddy! Your fingers feel so good inside me. I need your cocke now Daddy, I need more!" Luke pleaded, fingers clutching the bed sheets.

Ashton smirked pulling his fingers out slowly causing Luke to whine. "Hold on baby, let me get a condom." Ashton said starting to walk away.

"Fuck the condom! We're both clean, please Daddy. I need you now." Luke choked starting to grind down on the bed for friction.

Ashton agreed and went over to Luke pinching the boys rosy tinted bum and brought his tip to Luke's hole, "You ready?" Ashton asked.

"I wanna see you while you fuck me, Daddy." Luke said rolling over onto his back, leaking cocke on full display. Ashton smiled leaning in and pressing their lips together pulling away a few seconds later.

He slowly pushed the head of his length into Luke's hole, seeing the boys face scrunch up in pain but slight pleasure, "I'm gonna go all the way in, baby. It will get better, trust me." he said kissing the boys neck, pushing all the way in. Luke whined in pain feeling his bum being stretched.

"You can move now, Daddy." Luke said, used to the stretch. Ashton didn't hesitate when he pulled all the way out, then slammed himself back in causing both lads to moan. Ashton poured more lube onto his length, thrusting back in.

He gained a steady rhythm, fucking the blonde till he's shaking. "Fuck baby, so good for Daddy." Ashton grunted going faster.

"Daddy, fuck me harder. I love your hard cocke inside my tight little ass, I want you to come inside me daddy." Luke moaned, pulling at Ashton's hair. He felt the brunette's hand on his cocke, stroking it to match his thrusts.

"I cum first, wait for daddy to cum in your pink hole." Ashton directed, watching the blonde being wrecked by his cocke. Ashton slammed into Luke a few more times, hitting the boy's prostate perfectly causing Luke to scream in pleasure. After a few more seconds Ashton moaned, his cocke shooting it's load into Luke's bum.

"Daddy, I'm cumming!" Luke shouted feeling Ashton sloppily thrust into him.

"Go ahead, baby." Ashton said watching Luke's face scrunch in pleasure as he reached his high, cumming onto both their chests. They both panted as Ashton pulled out, his cum falling from Luke's hole. Ashton got up and grabbed a rag to clean them both up so they could sleep.

When Ashton finished cleaning them both up, he layed next to the blonde whilst pulling up the covers overtop of them. Luke snuggled against Ashton, catching a glimpse of the clock that read '12:01', "Happy birthday Ashton." Luke smiled, kissing the man's bare chest.


Thanks for 300 followers! I really went out of my comfort zone writing this, haha. I hope you liked it!

I feel dirty.

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