Chapter 17

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It was Ashton's birthday and Luke was in a panic trying to get everything perfect for when the guests would arrive. Calum had dropped off the gifts he was hiding away shortly after the birthday boy left for work, so Luke would have them ready.

It wasn't going to be easy, but Calum was the one to keep Ashton occupied at work until it's time for his surprise party. So Luke is in rush mode getting all the streamers hung and the music playing at the perfect volume.

Soon everything on the checklist has been completed. The food, decorations, and everything in between was done right on time. Luke was ecstatic when he heard the doorbell indicating that some guests had arrived.

The blonde had invited all Ashton's friends and some A-List celebrities Ashton works with, it was going to be so much fun for everyone.

After a while, Michael showed up with the custom ordered cake that was mailed to them all the way from California, the price was worth it. Michael stumbled through the open front door, cake in hand looking for a spot to set the gigantic birthday dessert, "Hey Luke, where does this go?" Michael desperately called out as his grip began to slip slightly.

"Oi, don't drop it!" Luke squeaked rushing over to Michael and the cake. The boy grabbed onto the other half of the box and led Michael over to the centerpiece table.

The cake is a soft vanilla flavor, with white frosting and handmade sugar roses that look like they were molded from edible music sheets. It has three tiers and on the very top were 23 candles and a few sparklers that had not yet been lit. Eight-hundred dollars well spent in Luke's mind.

Suddenly, Luke heard Michael scream loudly, "Guys, they are pulling into the driveway! Everyone shut the fuck up and hide!" He announced as he turned off the lights and dove behind some curtains. Luke squatted down next to Mitchy Collins behind the kitchen island waited or the two men to walk in.

It was silent other than the sound of the key unlocking the large front door. Luke was holding his breath as he waited for the door to finally open, thrilled when it did and Ashton walked inside and they all jumped out.

"Suprise!" Everyone screamed scaring Ashton to near death.

"Holy shit guys, what is this?" He chuckled clutching hold of his chest taking deep breaths as he smiled widely.

"It's your birthday party, surprise babe." Luke giggled walking over to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek softly, "Do you like it?" Luke asked with nervousness laced into his voice.

"I love it, thank you so much, Luke." Ashton smiled, pulling Luke in for a real kiss.

They broke apart when they heard a couple people whistling and applauding causing both men to blush, "How about we go mingle with the people?" Luke laughed at his own rhyme leaning towards the hundred or so guests wandering around the main floor of the house.

"Sounds good to me." Ashton smiled as Luke led him around to many of the guests, many stories and laughs being shared.

After around two hours it was finally time for the cake to be cut and the gifts to be opened.

Luke stood up on a nearby chair lighting the candles and sparklers with a random lighter he found, while stepping down he lost balance on the chair and slipped falling on Tayor Swift who spilled her whine everywhere, "Look what you made me do, just look what you made me do!" she screamed but then paused, "That would make a damn good song." she thought out loud then began cleaning up the whine as Ashton blew out the candles.

It was a fun party for everyone, Ashton opened his gifts and thanked each person who gave him one. By the time everyone left, the boys were exhausted and decided to go to bed early that night.

It was perfect.


Hey guys, sorry this chapter is short. I have been through a ton of crap this month. My dog that I've had for twelve years passed away on September eighth and it's just hard to get used to.

I don't really know what I'm planning to do with my life anymore, things always seemed so clear but now I'm stuck. It's like no one gives a crap about me anymore, everything points that being fact. I hope you guys enjoyed this update and now I'm gonna go work on the next chapter that will hopefully be up soon. You guys are all I have left.

Sorry, this chapter sucks butt.


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