Chapter 1

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I'm sick and tired of being on the streets. All of my life, stealing and committing crimes. Not having parents and a home caused this. I guess I can also blame the powers. I have super speed. It has gotten me out of tough jams but has gotten me in trouble.
I want to be something in my life. Make a difference in this world. With that being said I have decided to join the SPD force. Now I know what you are thinking. Why join the people that want me caught. Well I have this feeling that I belong there.
I make my way to the giant SPD headquarters. Like this thing is huge. Not subtle in the slightest. I look at the sign and it reads, "SPD staff only." Great, now how am I supposed to join. I turn to walk away when I bump into someone.
"Sorry! Sorry!" The guys apologizes.
"It's fine." I smile.
"You don't look like an SPD officer." He says.
"That's because I'm not. I really do though." I say with my head down.
"May I ask why?"
"Well I want something out of my life. I don't have anything. So want to do some good."
"Well then, I'll give you a tour then."
"Really?!" I say.
"Sure! I'm Boom by the way." He shakes my hand.
"Nice to meet you Boom! I'm Rose."
He takes me into the headquarters. It's pretty fancy in here. So many rooms.
"That's my room. Where I do my work."
"What do you do?"
"As much as I wish I was a power ranger, I'm an assistant."
"An assistant to who?"
"Let me show you."
We continue to walk down the hallways. We peek into a lab but nobody is there.
"Hmm...Kat is usually here working on something."
We keep walking and see cadets looking at me with a weird look. Shoot! I forgot Civilians aren't allowed in here. This is a top secret base.
"Boom! Who's that?!"
I turn around to see 5 teens walking towards us. They didn't look very happy to see me.
"Oh! This is Rose. Rose these are the B-Squad power rangers!" He says happy then realizes the power rangers aren't very happy.
"Boom! What are you thinking?! Protocol says if they aren't SPD, they aren't allowed." The hulking guy in the blue uniform scolds him.
I start to feel guilty.
"Come on boom. Even I know that." The guy in the green tells him not as mad.
"Hey! Stop yelling at him. It's my fault. I wanted to become a SPD cadet. Boom just wanted to help me."
"Well apply like the rest. We are going to have to escort you out." The girl in the yellow says.
"Escort who?" A voice says.
The rangers turn around. I look to see a blue dog and a woman with cat ears. Guess that's Kat.
"Who's this and why is she here?" He asks.
"This is Rose. She wanted to become a SPD cadet." Boom says.
"Boom, you know no civilians here. It could endanger us all." Kat says.
"I'll just go. I don't want to cause more trouble."
Just as I was walking away, a cadet carrying stuff trips. The fancy equipment flies everywhere.
My instinct kicks in. I use my super speed to grab everything. After I do I give it back to the Cadet.
"Like I was saying, I'll just go."
That's the first time anybody has seen me use my powers.
"Wait!" The dog yelled behind me.
"Yes?" I ask scared.
"Come with me. Rangers follow."
We walk to what I think is their control room. Once again, it's fancy. A whole bunch of computers.
"So you have powers?" The dog asks.
I didn't know how to respond.
"Yes sir, why?"
"Well, there are only few people like you. Those people are these rangers."
"What does this mean?"
"That means your parents were SPD as well." The guy in the red responds.
"That can't be. My parents are dead."
"Well, they died. They passed while protecting the earth. What's you last name?"
That's when Kat pulls up something on screen.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"Your parents. They were rangers and incredible scientist. They were exposed to a chemical. It mutated their DNA. That's why you have powers.
I was too shocked to say anything. I didn't know if I should be shocked or start crying.
"Rose, I know you just met us. But I would like you to be a Ranger." The dog stated.
Everybody, even me looked at him. Shocked.
"Sir, we don't know if she's good. She could be working with Grumm." The guy in the blue says.
"Nah. She's to pretty to be working with him." The guy in the green says then realized what he said.
"Wait, did I just say-"
"Anyway, she's not trained. Sure she was powers but we took a long time training to get to this point." The blonde spoke.
"Good point, as of today Cadet Cunningham will be training with you guys." The dog says.
"We don't even know if she wants to join." They say.
"I to join. Thank you! I won't let you down...uh...sorry I never got you name, Sir."
"I'm commander Cruger. This is Kat."
"Well, Commander. I will do my absolute best.
"In the meantime, while we get our stuff ready, get some time to get to know your team. I'm sure they will be welcoming. Dismissed." Cruger says.
I walk out with rest of the team. We walk to what seems to be the rec room. It has a foosball table and chess board.
We sit awkwardly for a few minutes. Not knowing what to say. I break up the silence.
"Well you guys know my name, what's yours?" I ask.
"I'm Sky. The blue Ranger." The big guy says.
"I'm Jack, the Red ranger and leader." Jack smiles.
"I'm Bridge! The awesome green ranger. " He gives a adorable smile.
"I'm Syd. The pink ranger."
"And I'm Z, the yellow ranger.
I give them all a smile.
"Well it's nice to meet you guys."
"Tell us about your self?" Jack suggests.
"There isn't much to tell. My parents passed away. I've been on the streets since I can remember. Fending for myself. Doing what I can to survive."
"Well, street smarts isn't gonna cut it." Sky says.
That's when Syd smacks the back of his head.
"Dude! Not cool."
"It's fine. He's right. That's why I'm willing to do anything to change my life."
"Sky, Jack, Bridge. I need your help to carry somethings." Kat pops her head in.
The guys leave. Leaving us girls to talk.
"Ok, now that boys are gone, so do you find cuter." Syd asks.
"Come one you can tell us."
"Well to be honest Jack is handsome, Sky is pretty good looking, but I'm going to have to go with Bridge."
"No way!" They both say.
"We would have thought you liked Sky." Z says.
"I don't like Bridge, he's just cute."
"Whose cute?" The boys come in and ask.
"No one." We respond and laugh.
A few hours pass. Until Kat returns to the room.
"Rose this is your uniform."
I grab it from her and go change. It's a metallic white and black. I go back and they run over.
"You are officially a ranger!!" They say.
I couldn't be happier.

Long first chapter. I wanted to try something new. One of my followers requested it. So here you go. I hope you guys like this. I'm really happy to write this. This was my favorite season of power rangers and I'm doing it on my favorite ranger from SPD. Rate and comment guys. Hope you like it!! Love you guys!! <3~KittyKatGalaxy

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