Chapter 2

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I can't believe that I'm a ranger. Well ranger in training. It's been a dream of mine. Now I know why. My parents were rangers. Guess it runs in the family. I've only been at SPD for a few hours and I already feel welcomed.
I walk to get something to snack on. As I walk into the room, I see Bridge with a stack of toast.
"Are you going to eat all of those?" I ask.
"You want some? They're buttery." He says as he wiggles his fingers.
"Why do you do that?"
"I don't know. It's a habit. Or maybe it's a habit because I say buttery." He questions.
God this boy is weird. Weird in a good way. I'll admit. He's pretty adorable. His smile is cute. But it says in the SPD handbook that cadets can't have relationships with other cadets. So I can forget about that.
"You alright Rosey?" He snapped me out of my day dreaming.
"Yeah. Just thinking about my parents." I lie.
"It must be a lot to find out your parents were SPD."
"I would have never expected. I'm proud though. I'm starting where my parents left off." I start to tear up.
Bridge pulls me into a hug. I lean my head on his shoulder.
"You sure you don't want some buttery toast. It would help you cheer up."
I then grab piece of toast.
"Thanks." I give him a friendly kiss on the cheek.
I walk out the room. I see Syd and Z standing there with a huge grin on their faces.
"What?" I asked them.
"We saw that. You kissed him." Syd said.
"It was a friendly kiss. Nothing more."
"Come on, you guys would be cute."
"No relationships with cadets. Remember?"
We all sigh. That's when the alarm sounds. We all run to the control room.
"What's up?" Jack asks Kat.
"Monster in sector 2B."
"Suit up!" Jack yells.
"SPD! Emergency!" We yell.
I morph in to my suit. It's silver with hints of black.
"Rose, take the SPD cycle." Kat says.
The rangers take their vehicles through the tubs in the wall.
I make my way to the cycle and head out with the rest of the Rangers.
We start speeding towards the destination. Sky, Z and Syd are in a jeep looking vehicle. Jack and Bridge are in cycles with their colors on them.
I look at coordinates and I notice that where the Nuclear plant is at.
"Guys we need to hurry. The nuclear any has some dangerous stuff in there." I say.
We get to the plant and see a bunch of robots.
"What are those?" I ask in confusion.
"Those are Krybots." Sky responds.
"Guess I'm going to do some on the field training."
That's when I rush in to attack. Without thinking.
"Stop!" Jack yells.
I don't turn back. The Krybots see me. They try an ambush tactic but I dodge it. I take out my blaster and start shooting them.
There were a lot of Krybot. I can see my teammates fighting out of the corner of my eye. They looked like they needed a bit of help.
So I activated the blade feature on blaster so it was a blaster blade.
"Yaaaa!!" I yell.
I use my super speed to take out a good chunk.
"That was sweet!" Bridge said as he gave me a high five.
The rest of the team cane over to congratulate me. I really felt like apart of a team.
That's when a figure appeared. He had a jar over his head.
"Whose the walking punch bowl?" I ask.
"That's Broodwing. Grumm's right hand man." Z responds.
"Well, looks like we have a new ranger. That uniform, just as I remember it." He says in a evil voice.
"What do you mean?" I question.
"It looked better on your mother. Where is Mrs.Cunningham? Oh wait she died."
"How do you know my mom?!" I tell furiously.
The Rangers saw how mad I was getting. Sky and Bridge held me back.
"Well let's just say I was the last person that saw her...alive. Hahahaha!" He laughed.
That's when it clicked. Broodwing was the reason my mother and father died.
"You monster!" I yell as I charged at him. I slipped out of the guys grip.
I blasted at him but he dodged the blasts. Like they were nothing. Before I knew it, he blasted some lighting towards me. It hit me pretty hard. Pushing me back towards the Rangers.
"Rose!" They all yell.
My ribs hurt really, really bad. It was hard to breath.
"I would love to stay, but I got what I needed. Bye rangers!" Broodwing flies away.
"No!" I yell.
I use my super speed to try to get him. But only get a few feet before falling back down.
"Rose, we need to get you back to SPD. You are really hurt." Sky says.
"No! I need get Broodwing." I say half crying.
"In due time, but for right now you need to rest." Jack cuts me off.
I stop resisting and give in. My chest really hurts. At this point we powered down.
That's when something unexpected happened. Sky was going to carry me but Bridge stopped him.
"I'll do it." Bridge tells Sky.
Bridge picks me up bridal style and carries me to the jeep. I can't help but blush just a tiny bit.
"Thanks Bridge." I give him a slight smile considering the pain I was in.
We get back to SPD and they immediately put me in the infirmary. The Rangers stay with me.
"You know, you guys can do your thing. I'm fine."
"No, we're a team. We are not leaving until Kat says you are ok." Syd says to me.
That's when Kat comes in with the results.
"Well nothing is broken, but you do have a couple of bruised ribs and muscles." Kat looks at me.
"Good, that means I can go find Broodwing!" I stand up but feel a searing pain and lay back down.
"No. You are not going anywhere until you get better." Cruger says. I didn't even notice him.
"I know you are upset but you can't do anything in your condition. Rest. That's an order Cunningham."
I reluctantly disagree.
"Fine but do I have to stay here. Can't I go in a room or something."
"Request granted." Cruger said.
"Yes." I say.
"You can bunk with Z and-"
"Uh, commander. We don't have anymore room." Syd says.
"It looks like we don't have any rooms." Kat says looking at her screen.
"How about she rooms with one of the boys." Z suggests.
"That's against protocol. Plus I don't think Cunning-"
"I wouldn't mind. I promise I won't do anything...inappropriate." I assure Cruger.
"Well then, who shall you room with?"
"She can't be with me. I need my training area." Sky speaks up first.
"I like my own space period. So..." Jack then says.
"I don't mind. That means I get a gaming buddy!" Bridge says very happy.
"Then it's settled. Cunningham will be rooming with Carson." Cruger says.
With that him and Kat leave.
While the boys are talking about who has the biggest biceps, the girls come over to me.
"So you and Bridge. Lucky." Syd giggles.
"I'm not gonna try anything. I just need a room." I say back.
"At least try to get close to him." Z responds
"I won't make any promises." I laugh.
"Rose!" The boys half yell, giving that we are in the infirmary.
"What?" I asked surprised.
"Who has the biggest biceps?" Jack asks me.
I get pressured. I say things I shouldn't say.
"Well Bridge. Since he's cut-" I stop my self.
"Since I'm what?" Bridge asked confused.
"Well I mean, you do handstands a lot." Syd saved me.
I mouth her a thank you. She winks.
"So, Rose want me to show you the room?" Bridge asks.
"Yeah, goodnight everyone." I say to the rest of the team.
I can't believe I'm sharing a room with Rose. Or is she sharing a room with me? I don't care. She's pretty. Too bad protocol prohibits "internal relationships".
I couldn't sleep. I was on my laptop. It was 2 in the morning. I was trying to figure out where Broodwing was. I couldn't help but feel bad for Rose. Everything is coming to light at once. It must suck. I want to do anything to help her. I feel like it's a duty to protect her with my life.
All of a sudden, she wakes up.
"Can't sleep?" She asks me.
"No. I don't like sleep. Well sleep doesn't like me...maybe. So in return I don't like it...right?" I question.
"Yeah." She giggled.
I can be such a geek sometimes.
"So what are you doing?" She questions.
"Trying to locate Broodwing."
With that being said, her face just drops. I'm so dumb sometimes. She looks like she's about to cry.
"Let me see your hand." I say.
She puts her hand in mine. I read he color.
"What is it?"
"Well I can read people's aura."
"Well yours is so...pure and amazing."
"Yeah. It's white. White signifies purity. That's good by the way." I smile.
That's when we notice our hands intertwined together. We pull away awkwardly.
We continue to look for info. No more than 20 minutes later I feel her sleeping with her head resting on my chest. I didn't want to wake her. I shut off my computer and drift off to sleep.

How was that?! I hope you guys love it. I loved writing this chapter and this story.! Please rate and comment. It means and helps out a lot. Love you guys so much!!!~KittyKatGalaxy.

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