Draculaura And The Step Mother

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Draculaura sat on the wolves couch in her pjs wondering how uncle vlad must be doing with mrs Im to good for store bought meat . When clawd stood there in the shadows

Draculaura: Clawd ? What are you doing up ?

Clawd: I was going to ask you the same question

Draculaura lost herself in clawds golden brown eyes as he sat besides her holding her hand

Clawd : what are you thinking of ?

Draculaura: of us , your family all together just like today I wished it never had to end

Clawd kissed her softly on her lips

Clawd: I love you so much there are not enough words to desribe how i feel about you.

Draculaura: clawd you are my one and only. I belive if I spend one minute without you my heart aches and shatters without you holding my hand trough the day

Clawd : I feel the same I would miss our strolls in the park  and you holding my hand during movies

Draculaura: you make my heart so happy night ...

Clawd: night but you sure,you don't want to sleep in my room

Draculaura: clawd lewis wolf !

Clawd: kay fine just one kiss good night 

He kissed her softly wishing she said  yes

Clawd: night....

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