chapter 18 the set up and break up

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Dracularura:  ghouls. where are you ?  call me back

waiter:  may I help you ?

Dracularura:  yes table under Dracularura

waiter: ah right this way

clawd:  guys I'm at the restaurant. its late. pick up the phone

Dracularura:  uh excuse. me but your at my table

clawd:  (whisper) holy crap

Dracularura:  uh I'm so sorry... I have to go

clawd: no wait

Dracularura:  clawd let go this is hard enough as it is

clawd: what do you mean?

Dracularura:  real smart clawd your going. to pretend the last two days never happened

clawd:  I am trying to forget. the last few days. because. they were both a day in hell

Dracularura:  and like it wasn't. for me.

clawd:  I love you Dracularura

Dracularura smacked him

Dracularura:  (sobs) you jerk

clawd:  what ?

Dracularura: if you loved me you wouldn't have left me, you broke every piece of my heart and now your making it ache more

clawd:  i have been trying to tell you everything but I just couldn't. that doesn't. change. the fact that I love you. and... I want you back

Dracularura: oh

ha I left you with cliffhanger. yes I am horrible. but well see what happens

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