chapter 17 the awkward day after that

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it was two days since. clawd and lala broke up and it was getting intense they couldn't stand being  apart from each other but they still agreed. to their arrangement.
but things got a little. hotter once they met again

clawd: uh hey Laura

Dracularura:  uh hi

clawd: so... sup ?

Dracularura : stuff...

clawd:  great talk

Dracularura:  yeah uh I gotta. go

clawd:  uh Yeah. bye

deuce:  guys their dying right now

clawdeen:  what. can we do its my stupid brothers falut

Frankie:  but it looks. like. they still miss each other

clawdeen:  either. way what can we do?

ghoulia:  uhhg( lets set them on a date)

cleo: ghoulia that is an awesome idea but... how

deuce: we trick them

Frankie:  And got a prefect plan

clawdeen: Guys I'm telling. you this is bad territory. you have to let them figure it out. them selves

lagoons: I'm all in for letting. them figure it out but their not Getting anywhere fast

Dracularura:  hi guys. what's going on

everyone : uhhm..

clawdeen:  we were just planning. a girls day out you know have fun

Dracularura:  oh great I need a girls day where?

Frankie: uh the Italian restaurant. on scaresmary Ave.

Dracularura:  fine. I'll. pick you up at six

cleo:  no darling. you meet us at the restaurant. Okay .

Dracularura:  you okay?

cleo:  fine now go


deuce: dude come on

clawd:  if your trying to get me to move on good luck

deuce:  Heath Im putting. you on speaker

Heath:  clawd dude forget her their. are so many chicks out there

clawd:  Heath say that again And you'd. be. lucky if you ever speak again

Gil: what Heath meant was stop sulking and go out fresh up on things

clawd: fine whatever

deuce:  good I'm going to pick Gill and Heath from the airport and your going to the Italian. restaurant. on scaremary Ave. to wait for us

clawd:  sure this might as well try to help me or my life is just hell

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