Chapter 7 Dinner With The Grim Reaper

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Draculaura: dad are you sure I have  to come I mean I have nothing to say to that witch

Dracula: don't be that way at dinner understood

Draculaura: yes father

Cruella : hello  draculaura

Draculaura: cruella

Dracula : well lets eat

Cruella : I just got a job offering at vampie clique magazine and I can make my own hours so I can spend time with you

Draculaura: so you work for a  magazine

Cruella : and a yoga teacher on some days

Draculaura: I see

Waitress: well what will can I get you folks this evening

Cruella : we'll take the rarest steak you have

Dracula : um cruella , draculaura is a vegan

Waitress : well then two steaks and a salad coming up

Cruella: ugh makes sense why she is so skinny she needs meat to strenthen her bones

Draculaura : is there a problem with me being a vegan (sobs)

Cruella : of course not well lets just eat and forget this conversation

Dracula : agreed

After an hour of torcher  draculaura was home in her soft bed rembering the cook out at the wolf's house( read chapter three on my old account clawd 123

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