chapter 19 were never ever ever fanging out together

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previously on Dracularura and the new stepmother. .

clawd: I want you back

Dracularura:  oh

clawd: I never wanted to break up with you

Dracularura:  then why did you?

clawd:  I was confused

Dracularura:  I need to go

clawd:  please at least tell me you still. feel the same

Dracularura: no clawd I don't. now let go

clawd:  you can't be serious

Dracularura:  just leave me alone

1 hour later..

deuce:  so  how'd it go?

(clawd breaks down )

deuce:  not the answer I was looking. for

Heath: what's up with him

clawd:  she doesn't love anymore

deuce: what ?! why? !

clawd: I ruined my relationship

Gil:  dude come on. its probably. not that

clawd: whatever you say but I know what I heard

clawd shuts the bedroom door

dialing. .

clawdeen:  hello

deuce:  hey the plan didn't work its just worst. now

clawdeen:  I know Dracularura had a fit

deuce: yeah and what happened that she's so mad

clawdeen:  I seriously don't know

deuce:  ask her tomorrow

clawdeen:  fine

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