chapter 21 day before the wedding

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the day was set,  the cake was ordered , and the dress was remarkable. one day before her father's wedding. and Laura had cold feet , she was on good terms with cruella but something kept her from wanting the wedding to happen. she didn't know what. it was that was until today , cruella. had taken the girls shopping. and they stopped by the restroom. when Laura looked into the mirror. she could. have swore she saw her mom right in front of her. she carefully placed her hand on the mirror. and everything went black.... she woke up back in Transylvania in her mother's bedroom it was around 1592 the same day her mother past away from a sickness , right in front of her was her mom with little Laura next to her. ..

Laura's mom: my dear sweet Laura everything is going to be fine

Laura:  no its not

Laura's mom: listen to me even when I am gone I'll  always be with you... take this,  this necklace is a symbol of family,  strength,  and love

Laura:  I don't want you to go.

Laura's. mom:  its my time sweetheart

Dracula:  aleena, I came as soon as I heard

aleena: I'll be fine I've survived this far... Vladimir I'm going to be gone for a long time

Dracula:  what do you mean?

aleena: you have to be prepared for when I'm gone

Dracula:  that will never happen I won't let it

aleena: suit yourself,  I must speak with Laura alone

Dracula : very well

( Dracula leaves)

aleena:  Laura you have to promise me you'll take care of him

Laura:  mother I can't

aleena:  yes you can

Laura: I promise mother

aleena:  thank you, night sweetheart

Laura:  night mother

after that her mother died the next day. but she kept her promise she would. watch over Dracula who was in bad shape.
that was until she got the sickness as well it was the first time he left his office , he waited response on his child. health And broke down on the news she's not going to make it,  after the doctor left Dracula sneaked back in he knew he couldn't save aleena. but he could save Laura.
.so he did. after Laura got bit she turned into a vampire. and was renamed her Dracularura.

Dracularura woke up and looked back in the mirror her mother was gone and so was her cold feet. ...

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