chapter 9 on a plane to death

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as Dracularura. sat beside clawd on the plane she wondered if. this was her future. she felt like going back in time to talk. with the only soul. who could understand. ..... her mother. but she had been gone for 159 years
after her death Dracularura. got sick almost died when Dracula saved her after that he and Dracularura lived as father and daughter for as long as she can remembered... clawd. had woken up

clawd: hey what are you doing up?

Dracularura:  just thinking

clawd: you should get some sleep its bad for your beautiful. face

Dracularura: queit laughter.. I am not beautiful

clawd: yes you are and you should believe it

Dracularura held his hand

Dracularura:  I love you

clawd: me too

clawdeen: hey love birds can you keep it down

deuce: yeah dude its annoying

everybody:  ha ha

Dracularura rolled her eyes

Dracularura:  at least not as annoying as you scearming during. a casketball

deuce: whatever girl

Frankie:  how many more hours

CLEO:  whatever. the view from here is amazing

clawdeen: CLEO?  likes something. other then herself.  werid! ?

CLEO: oh shut up

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