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It has been over two days now since the young teen had stepped foot on the forest, but here again we see him again. Brown orbs searching everywhere for that old house, but he couldn't seem to find it. The boy was sure it was somewhere around here, it's the forest after all. There aren't houses everywhere in the forest. This time the teen wasn't running like last time or crying, he was plain curious. He knew not to go to strange places, but there was something that was bugging the teen, telling him to come back. He didn't know what though.  Ever since he came to the forest and found that small old house, and he saw the wolf. That same face kept appearing in the boys head every time he closed his eyes to sleep. But the thing that was brining him back to this forest was unknown, except for that door. Why was the house old yet the door was like new? It wasn't a normal thing to do. 

That day that the young teen had ran into the forest his grandma had scolded him when he came back. He was scolded for getting dirty, for being covered in dirt and leaves. For what is to say he was  happy, he was happy that he was safe, that he was back to his grandmas sanctuary. But he also didn't regret going to the forest, because he made a discovery. A spooky but interesting discovery in his mind. But threatening to another. 

With careful steps the boy stopped in his tracks to check around if he was near the house. He paced around in the same position to check if he maybe remembered. In a forest? The forest looks all the same. How could he distinguish anything? and plus when he found the house he had been crying his eyes out. 

"Did I come by here?" the boy asked himself. Tapping his chin with his index finger he decided to keep walking.  He had to find the house. Could it have been a figment of his imagination?? Could he have imagined the whole thing?

"NO! Thats Impossible!" the boy shouted to the forest, making the birds fly off the trees in flocks scared. Annoyed the boy kicked the dirt on the floor and huffed.  Crossing his arms the boy stopped again and looked around. The forest all looked the same, no mark no nothing that could tell him if he was near the abandoned house. The boy growled in annoyance and stomped his feet.

Then a rushing wind passed behind him and a harsh clank to a tree was heard. The boy turned to his side tree to see an arrow stuck to the tree. The teen freaked out and ran behind a tree. That was probably meant for him, fortunately whoever had thrown it didn't have a good aim.  Or so he thought. The young teen was about to look if anyone was there but he stopped himself as he heard rushed steps and breaking of branches and crushing leaves. Just then another arrow was thrown in his direction, closing his eyes the boy held his breath for the worst. But nothing came just a sound of wood and metal meeting. The boy opened one of his eyes and looked that the arrow had landed just above his head. Shocked the teen looked straight ahead and saw a boy about his age maybe, ready to throw another arrow at him.

Before the scared teen could move or even think the arrow grazed his shoulder hooking into the tree.

"AHHHH!" The boy screamed in pain, even if it wasn't a deep wound blood was still running down his shoulder. Straight ahead from the now crying boy stood Jonghyun. Bow and arrow in hand, a smirk playing in his lips as he watched the intruder cry in pain.  He turned around walking away until his heartstrings pulled at him. His smirk now disappearing as he heard loud sobs.  He cursed at himself for having such a soft heart and hid behind a tree to watch the kid. He watched as the blond tried stopping the blood to no avail. Once again cursing himself Jonghyun came out of his hiding place and walked towards the crying boy. 

The boy that was crying heard someone approach him, the boy looked down and saw a pair of shiny black shoes stop right in front of him. Freezing the boy stared at the shoes. Jonghyun saw the boys frozen position and nudged the guy with his bow. The boy looked up only to notice the bow in Jonghyuns hand and kick him with all his mighty strength.

"YOU! Jerk!" he yelled as he rapidly stood up and cleaned his tears. Jonghyun dropped his bow and  stood hopping in one foot while massaging the the other with his hands. The other teen quickly picked up the bow and hit Jonghyun with it sending him to the floor.

"AOWW! What the hell!" yelled Jonghyun now massaging his arm too. 

"I should be saying that not you! You freaking cut me! No your not getting this" He yelled as Jonghyun tried to grab the bow from his hands. 

"Its just a graze. It will heal fast, Give me it back and were even!" Jonghyun said standing up and dusting himself. He extended his hand to receive his arrow back.

"Even? You've got to be out of your mind!" The young teen exclaimed as he started to walk away bow in hand. Lips between his teeth holding in the pain emitting from his shoulder. Jonghyun stumbled to follow the guy but once he got reach he snatched the bow from the kids hand harshly turning the boy while doing so. Jonghyun was about to yell at the guy or just smirk and run away, until he saw the boys teary eyes and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.

"Why am I so weak!" Jonghyun cursed himself as he grabbed the boys wrist and guided him to his hideout.


Jonghyun opened the door and let go of the boys wrist signaling the boy to follow him. Jonghyun was surprised the teen hadn't said anything as he grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to his hideout. Walking inside jonghyun told the blond to sit, to which the latter rolled his eyes and sat on the floor resting himself against the wall. The young boy closed his eyes slightly hoping the pain would subside.

"Let me see your shoulder" the boy opened his eyes at the voice. The boy that had 'shot' him was kneeling before him holding a white box. The boy nodded and moved to let the jerk see his shoulder. Yeah thats what he's calling him now. Jonghyun rolled up the ripped sleeve and cleaned the wound. He noticed as the boy winced when he disinfected the wound, he felt sorry for the nameless guy but continued disinfecting the wound.

"Uh... Im sorry......" Jonghyun muttered. The blond turned his gaze to the brunet and rolled his eyes. He would admit he wanted the jerk so apologize but, so late? Jerk. Jonghyun annoyed pressed the wound too hard, gaining and 'Ouch' and 'Yah!' from the blond.

"Whats your name?" Jonghyun asked concentrating on the wound, not noticing the shocked face staring at him. Jonghyun wrapped the wound  and rolled down the boys sleeve.

"Whats 'your' name?" the now treated kid asked. Jonghyun sat back, crossed his legs and rose an eyebrow. 

"I asked you first" Jonghyun said as he watched the boy roll his eyes and say "Ill tell you after you tell me yours"  Jonghyun closed his mouth shut and shook his head.

"Fine then  I won't tell you" said the blond crossing his arms. Jonghyun huffed  saying "Jonghyun" The boy across him smirked telling him his own name.


A/N: Well I hope you enjoy this chapter ^^ How are you guys liking it so far?

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