Run with me

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"Kim Jonghyun!!! I will not repeat myself again!! Open this door for gods sake!!" Why was the light not penetrating inside? Why was it all dark? Why was everything so dark inside, no, not the room but deep inside of me?  Why am I feeling like this?    He thought to himself as a tear rolled down to the tip of his nose and disappeared in the white fluffy pillow.  His legs curled in more, hugging himself he tried to keep quiet.  His eyes closed in the dark room, his body shook, his lips trembled but no audible sound was coming out. He was tired, tired of going on like this, how was he supposed to cope with this all. 

"I-Im-s-s-so-rry" he whispered as another tear rolled down, his voice broken and a sob followed by it. Finally his voice was let out, losing around he crushed his pillow in his hands and threw it at the wall with a scream followed by it.  His eyes flickered and his lips trembled as loud sobs escaped his mouth, his hands fell to his side curling against the white fabric. 

"YAH!! JONGHYUN!!!" The noise outside didn't bother him, he wasn't paying attention to any of it, he didn't care, all he wanted was to be left in his own little place.  All he ever wanted was him. All he needed, but now it was too late. He realized it too late. 

The banging on the door continued until a ruffling clinging sound was heard, the sound of keys. The next moment the door was flung open, Jonghyuns step-mother rushed inside together with his father and some maids behind them. But just as they saw their sons state they didnt dare come closer, it somehow clicked something inside of them. Jonghyun stared at the dark curtains covering the light, his lips started to quiver again, his eyes became moist. Through sobs he bent over, his head fell to his knees. His step-mother ushered the maids out and closed the door behind them. She stood quietly watching her soon cry his soul out, she didn't understand why he was acting this way, why he would be crying right now if it should be something joyous. 

"Jong-" his father started but was cut off by his step-mother. Gesturing to him she smiled sadly and squished her husbands hand to reassure him. Coming closer she slowly sat at the edge of the bed and placed a hand on Jonghyuns back, soothing him. 

"Jonghyun-ah it's okay, everything is fine" she tried smiling in hopes her son would at least look at her and stop crying. 

"Darling please stop crying and talk to mommy, I-I know things aren't always easy, but you can always talk about it, it'll make you feel better." 

"T-talk?" Jonghyun repeated through hiccups. His eyes showed a small glint of light as he looked up at the closed window. Wiping his tears he looked closer, confused his step-mother tried calling to him but he ignored and kept staring. 


"Jonghyun Im cold" Kibum said changing his position, I looked at him and back at the sky. Some stars twinkled brighter than others."So am I" I said my gaze still towards the stars. I heard kibum groan but I kept my gaze on the sky. He kept quiet for a while, I was gonna ask if he was okay until I felt his head fall on my harm, his arm snaking around my waist. He smiled and cozied himself closer to me, although I wouldn't admit it, it did feel more warm and cozy the cold air was still around us but the warmth of our bodies was making it slowly disappear. 

It was there all the time, the butterflies the roses, the feelings. 

"I like this" I heard him whisper as I smiled at his words. Arranging myself better I let the arm he was resting on snake around his torso as his head still rested on it.

You were with me all the time, weren't you. 

 Resting myself against the floor I let himself wrap himself over me like a warm blanket. I wrapped my arms around his waist to provide some heat so he wouldn't be shaking so much.

I don't know if it was wrong but it felt good.

It always felt warm being next to you.  Always, but why am I coming to realize this just now? Clearing my thoughts I rushed down from my bed and opened the window, to let the sun rays in. Looking down at what he was wearing he shook my head and rushed to the closet. Taking out a pair of shoes he put them on and tried to neaten out his button up white shirt. Not bothering to grab anything else he said, "Im sorry father, mam" and bowed down before rushing out of the door. 

His steps became lighter with each he took. He was running, running to destiny. Running faster he came to the small town, where the street just started and the houses and markets started to appear, the place where he last saw Kibum. Coming to a halt he looked around, then he looked to where the forest came in place, where it all had started. Taking a breath he continued running toward the markets, in hopes of finding him. He had to find him no matter what, he had too. 

"Kibum!!" he shouted through the streets hoping he could spot his little cute head bouncing up, but it was to no avail.  He kept looking, running around looking for him. 

"Key!" he shouted again no caring about the looks people where giving him, he just needed to find kibum. His lungs started to ache for air and rest though, his legs were tiring out too, he couldn't keep going. Crouching down he closed his eyes tightly, "Kibum, please wait for me" he whispered and looked around again, and again running around trying to find him. 


"Kid stop yelling! kibum-" a small old lady came out form her house, waving her stick in the air she pointed at Jonghyun and signaled him to come to her.

"Your looking for kibum?" she asked quietly. 

"Yes" Jonghyun answered eagerly swallowing a lump in his throat. 

"Why?" she asked, at this Jonghyun was taken a back and blinked a couple of times to understand what she had said. "Why are you looking for him?" she asked again, Jonghyun only looked down at the floor in shame and said, "To apologize" the old lady nodded and sighed saying incoherent words under her breath.  "He's at the market" she answered and as soon as she said the location Jonghyun didn't waste a second and started running. He ran and ran until he came to the closest market, shouting once again he started to ask people and looking around, he told them if they saw him to tell him that he was looking for him, that he needed to see him. 

"Key!" he tried again turning every corner, he turned and turned, then there he was, he almost missed him but he caught on. There he was, standing with a bag on his hands, blinking he looked down. Jonghyun stood there motionless looking at him, his lips started to quiver and tears started to block his view, without thinking he ran, he ran to where kibum was, he ran and wrapped him in his arms. Sniffling he tightened his arms around the younger, trying to keep him forever, to make sure they wouldn't be separated, that he wouldn't make a mistake again. 

A/N: Okay so first I was thinking of making this the last chapter but I'm really feeling crappy so >< I won't but get ready for the next chapter because that one will be. Sorry to be ending this soon but I think its for the best ^^, anyway hope you guys enjoy this update and I hope to update next chapter before I start school again so I don't leave you guys hanging >< btw sorry for any mistakes >< I'm too lazy to look over it, anyway please leave your comments and love, I always love to read them. Bye bye~ oh and btw you'll know why this chapter was named 'run with me' when next chapter comes ^^ and no it wasn't because he was running, phss why'd you think that, ha, ha ha '><

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