Night sky

378 33 14

Kibum and I were laying down on the grass watching the sky, full of stars and one beautiful bright moon. When he asked me to have a sleepover I couldn't help but laugh, I knew he didn't want to have a sleepover just because, he wanted to because he didnt want to go home alone in the dark. Honestly I wouldn't want him to go alone either, the night forest is very dangerous. I was fine by staying with him for a night, I would just explain my father why I hadn't come home tonight. We had agreed to stay outside for a while even if the air was chill. Ive always loved to watch the night sky, it always brought peace, and beautiful memories. My mother and I used to always do this and somehow it became my favorite thing to do. 

"Hyung are you watching me?" kibum whispered to the sky. I looked over at him and back at the sky but I decided not to say anything. Everyone has their stories they don't want to tell and we should respect that. As much as you want to know what that small or long story is about people should really respect sometimes. I myself have stories I don't share with anyone, keeping them inside if the best thing, even if some people say otherwise I believe they stay better inside. 

"Jonghyun Im cold" Kibum said changing his position, I looked at him and back at the sky. Some stars twinkled brighter than others.

"So am I" I said my gaze still towards the stars. I heard kibum groan but I kept my gaze on the sky. He kept quiet for a while, I was gonna ask if he was okay until I felt his head fall on my harm, his arm snaking around my waist. He smiled and cozied himself closer to me, although I wouldn't admit it, it did feel more warm and cozy the cold air was still around us but the warmth of our bodies was making it slowly disappear. 

"I like this" I heard him whisper as I smiled at his words. Arranging myself better I let the arm he was resting on snake around his torso as his head still rested on it. My arm muscle is slowly getting cramped but I don't mind as Im not as cold anymore.  We stayed like that for a while more, I didn't mind at all. I watched the star twinkle in the sky, the moon shinning brighter reflecting on the stars. My eyes were slowly getting tired, my eyelids kept closing as I watched the sky and hear the small puffs of air kibum was letting out. I knew he wasn't completely asleep because I could feel him moving at times and he would also hold me tighter to try and keep warm, I knew that even if we were ..... like this both were still cold. I could feel him shivering I myself was shivering too.

"Maybe we should go inside" I said softly shaking him lightly. He kept his eyes closed as he sighed and instead cuddled closer to me.

"Whats the difference" he mumbled. It was true going inside would be like being outside, there was no bed, well there was but it was very old and most likely with animals. But it was still slightly better than freezing to death.

"Its less cold" I said trying to move my dead arm.  He groaned softly and sat up. following him I groaned at my arm that I couldn't feel, pressing my hand to it I slowly stood up and went inside, kibum following me behind.

"Where are we going to sleep?" He asked, his arms folded around his torso. I looked around and my gaze fell on my special room. Looking back at kibum I saw he was shivering, forming a line with my lips I took his wrist on my hands and pulled him to the room. The room was sure more cozy but still cold, there was nothing we could sleep on absolutely nothing. Letting go of his wrist I scratched the back of my head looking the room over and over again. 

"uh.....I think wed have to sleep on the floor..." I said turning my head to him. He slowly nodded and went to a corner he slowly sat down and motioned me to come over. Following to where he was I crouched down next to him, he laid down against the wall and patted the space next to him. Nodding I played next to him, it somehow felt odd but warm at the same time how he snaked one arm around my waist like how when we were outside, resting myself against the floor I let himself wrap himself over me like a warm blanket. I wrapped my arms around his waist to provide some heat so he wouldn't be shaking so much.

He slowly fell asleep but his body kept on shaking from now on then, I didn't seem to go to sleep on the other hand. I stayed caressing his small body with one hand as the other played with his golden hair.  Sighing I stopped my hand on his hips, his shirt had gone a bit up from my continuous caressing to that area, I was about to pull it down when I felt his soft skin and I couldn't seem to bring myself to pull the shirt down instead I pulled it more up running my hand through the smooth skin. He shivered and shook a bit so I stopped but continued smiling to myself. How could someones skin be this smooth?  Smiling I pulled his shirt down and just rested my hand there.  My other hand brushed the hair off his face as I looked at his face, placing a small kiss to his head I decided to close my eyes and hope for sleep to take me.

I don't know if it was wrong but it felt good, not exactly for explanations but its something unexplainable. Maybe I was getting pulled in too quickly for just a short time, it's not even that long since I know kibum and the things I know are little but on the other hand he doesn't know much about me. Nothing actually... Would it be okay to tell him the truth ? Should I just continue lying? 

Yes. Its easier anyway, he doesn't need to know anything. 

A/N: HAI~ haha yes I know it took longer for this update >,< but school is killing me in just one week >< anyway hope you guys like it and comment please ^-^ COMMENT~

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