Hidden feelings

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Jonghyun POV

"I'm home mother" I whispered as I opened the door. The gentleness that used to fill me inside when I used to come here regularly doesn't meet me anymore. Is it because I haven't been here for a while? But if its like that shouldn't it feel more cozy. Sighing to myself I closed the door behind myself and started walking in. Walking into the living room as I knew it I was met with a small container placed on the floor, there were other things around it too, even a letter? Marching towards it my heart started to tighten, I became uneasy but nevertheless I crouched down and picked up the small letter. The letter was neatly folded held by a rock so it wouldn't fly away, smiling at the little details I braced myself to open it. 

"Ok...here I go"

Unfolding the paper I held it with both my hands as I started to read it. 

'I don't know why I'm writing this...well I kinda do. keke. I have been coming, but I guess your on some sort of hunting trip or something like that because I never seem to find you. Your never home when I come, but I have brought you food, hope you like it. Are you returning soon? I will come by tomorrow again, just to check on the food, I mean just to make sure no animals have eaten it, the past days they haven't but you know  its good to make sure. Anyway hope you are okay, oh I also brought you a new health kit incase you need it. I should probably write my name at the end of this, so you know who I am.'

I could hear the way he was taking through his writing, I even imagined him looking away from me many times during this. Chuckling to myself I looked at the bottom of the paper, his name was neatly written at the end but then there was something else below it, but it had been erased. Although he didn't do a good job at erasing it, squinting my eyes at the paper I decided to go outside for light, hoping I could see what it had said. Once outside I squinted my eyes and placed the paper close to my face...

P.S. I miss you.

My heart suddenly grew tight, a warm feeling washed over me but was then covered with a painful one. Scrunching my face I placed my hand over my chest and held my heart tightly. Soothing the heart area I folded the paper once again and placed it inside my pants pocket. Going back inside I gave the small house a look and decided to follow kibum. I know he most likely is far away by now but I can't just let him leave like that, I have to find him.  Taking a leap to my feet I rushed out of the house and ran, hoping to find kibum.  Running, I kept running looking everywhere hoping to find him, the one person I needed to see right now. The twigs and leaves broke and cried under my weight as I flowed by, they were telling me I was close to the one I was looking for. Im close, I can feel it, I know it. 

The streets finally came to view, out of the woods, this got me kind of scared because it meant I would have to look thought the town to find kibum. Shaking my head and setting my mind I ran. I was going to find him no matter what, I was going to find him. My feet take flight again, but I didn't have to go far because I saw his beautiful hair around the corner. He wasn't running, he was walking, walking very slow, his arms wrapped around his small torso and his head cast down. I cringed and wanted to hug him, but I couldn't so I simply stayed still and watched him. His figure moved slowly, his head never came up though, it was starting to worry me so finally gaining the courage I ran up to him and turned him around. 

His eyes despite the tears that were flowing down grew wide, the sight pained me. His arms flung to either side, letting go of his arms I cupped his face in both my hands. His looked away from me and tried to move away, but before he did so I embraced him whole in my arms. I needed this, I wanted this, I wanted to reassure him that I was fine, and I wanted to know that he was also okay. His small body wrapped with mine reassured me of that, it made me feel right, made me feel healed again. Oh how good it felt, it has never felt this good to hug someone. 

"J-J-jong-hyun" at the thoughts in my head I heard his small voice and his hands that tried to push my body away. Trying hard not to give in I hugged him tighter closing my eyes in the moment and inhaling his scent.  How I've missed you kibum, you have no idea. Whispering this thoughts in my head I let out a breath and let go of him. His tears have somehow dried, but his eyes are still watery. I can't help but feel horrible because Im the cause of those tears.

"Im sorry" I said taking his hands in mine, hoping he would see the sincerity in my eyes. I really was I wasn't just saying I was sorry just for show, I really am deeply sorry. How I wish I could let him know this. 

"I want the truth" 

"What?" I asked shocked as he let go of my hands and looked at me with a piercing gaze. 

"The truth" 

A/N: Hey guys!!!! SO yes Ive been trying to update but unfortunately school is getting on the way >< UGH school >< anyway I was thinking that I don't want this to exceed 20 chapters so Im gonna start thinking of how its gonna continue to progress and then the ending. ^-^ IM not saying its ending soon don't worry >< hehe but IM just gonna start preparing. Anyway please enjoy and leave your comments and love~ Love you all. *KISSES* 

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