Chapter 14

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[A/N] The long awaited! I'm sorry for taking so long with this!! orz This chapter is like super crappy and not proof-read cause my beta (@1DWhoredom) doesn't have time for me.. *sobs*

Sorry if this doesn't live up to you expectations.. It doesn't reach my standards either. I'm really disappointed with my work actually.

So yeah. Enjoy?

[Niall's POV]

It was 9am in the morning and I was somehow awake and sitting at the dining table. I was pissed off and cranky. A tired leprechaun is not a happy leprechaun.

"Kay guys, I've sent Liam out for the day, and he'll be back at 6 tonight," Louis' shrill voice informed us. Us as in Zayn, Harry, Daniel (don't ask), Elisabeth, Perrie (this added to my grumpy mood), and Josh. We were known as the Official Party Team, according to Louis.

"I need my coffee," Harry groaned, laying his head on Lizzy's lap.

"Hey hey hey! Too early in the morning for PDA," Louis chided.

"Shut up Tomlinson," Harry mumbled. "You and Liam were too loud this morning. I need my coffee."

"What are we here for?" I asked, laying my head on the table as I stifled a yawn.

"Well who else is gonna get the house ready?" Louis looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I dunno, you tell us," Zayn smirked, wrapping an arm around Perrie's waist. He was surprisingly awake, despite not being a morning person. Well none of us lads are morning people but some try harder than the others (i.e. Liam Payne).

"Well you all of course. Now here's the plan," Louis started without waiting for our response.

"I don't even know Liam all that well," Daniel mumbled from beside me.

"It doesn't matter to Louis. In his eyes you're just another peasant to be used at his disposal," I said.

"Well that just makes me feel amazing about myself. Lifetime accomplishment; Louis Tomlinson's peasant."

"Don't start feeling special now," Harry chided.

"Boys! Are you even listening? I swear to God, if we don't manage to get everything set up and going by the time Liam gets back I will chop off all your balls and force feed them to you," Louis threatened, whacking Harry in the face with his plastic binder that held all key information Louis had for the party.

"Hey! What's that for?" Harry yelled, caressing his face while Lizzy and I giggled.

"Dude, stay away from the jewels, I still kinda need'em." Zayn placed a protective hand in front of his pants, protecting what apparently mattered most. Okay well it did matter most cause we're all guys and a guy without balls is pretty much a flat chested girl with a strange voice and weird body figure. All in all we're pretty much defined by our balls, so to speak.

"That's not fair! Only guys get punished? What about the girls? Would they get their boobs chopped off?" Josh spoke up. Lizzy and Perrie both shot him dirty looks.

"That would be a whole lot messier than chopping off balls, so no," Louis scrunched his nose up.

"Louis' just protecting his kind," Harry frowned. I had to stop myself from giggling when I saw the look Louis gave to Harry.

"What are you implying, Styles?" Louis sneered at Harry.

"Um... No-nothing.."

"Better watch it or yours will be the first to go."

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