So this is my fist werewolf book, please tell me what you think! it will get more interesting i swear! :P
Chapter 1
Thought and Deals
“Looser,” one of the jerks from my seventh hour muttered, shoving past me on my way to my locker. I simply flipped him off, put my stuff in my backpack and jogged to the house where I slept in.
I hate that house and tried to spend most of my time away from it.
Slowly I made my way up the front steps and paused at the door. Sure I was picked on sometimes at school, I had stopped trying to making friends a long time ago, no one liked me; I was the loner, the emo chick who would always hide in a hoody, her dark red hair covering her face most of the time, and the odd way I moved around like a ghost. Well that’s only because I’m a werewolf and their all wimpy humans.
I don’t belong to a ‘pack’, but instead I am forced to obey my uncle. Let me tell you a bit about myself; I live in Seattle, Washington with my Uncle and two cousins, my parents died, I don’t know when, I don’t remember them, and I’ve only see a picture of them once. My uncle’s name is Brien, he’s some kind of Alpha. I don’t know much about any of my ‘family’ ‘cause the only talking Brien and me do is the shouting kind…and sometimes hitting is added.
Nick my older cousin is just as bad, he always makes snotty remarks like he’s a stuck up seven-year-old girl. But Jack, my younger cousin, well, he use to be nice to me but he’s turned sour.
So that’s my life in a nutshell.
Signing I open the door as quietly as I can and slip up into my attic room. I grab a towel, change into some clothes I can move around freely in, put my coat over it and head out the window.
Each day my uncle and cousins go to ‘work’, (which is god knows where) at five in the morning and come back at five thirty in the evening, so I have just about an hour and a half to practice.
I’m a gymnast; as in gymnastics. I love it and I don’t know what I’d do without it. It’s what keeps me going, stops the real world from getting at me, and it makes me worn out, so I sleep well.
I practice at an abandon school in the outskirts of town.
I had found some mats to bounce around on and have had my share of injuries.
I ran as fast as I could through the city. I had left five minutes late, I know it didn’t sound too bad but trust me if I don't get dinner made on time, the refrigerator door might have a lock on it and I wont be fed for several days.
I took a speed shower and them chopped the salad, warmed the turkey up in the oven, steamed the veggies, set the table, swept the floors, put the food in it’s serving bowls, and washed, dried, and put away the last dish as I heard the car pull up.
They came in arguing about something, sat down at the table and began to eat the food, that I had prepared nicely, like a bunch of pigs! I fumed in the corner of the kitchen when one of them called my name.
“Rosamond!” Nick squalled in a piercing high voice. “Come bring me some more beer!” they all laughed as I walked in.
All I needed was for them to get drunk! Great! Just great!
“Aw, look at that pouty face,” Nick reached up to touch my cheek; I flinched away, set down his beer, and turned to leave.
“Sweetie! Don’t leave! The fun has just begun!” he wiggled his eyebrows. I tried not to gag and slap him! That was just gross!
Before I was a step away from him he reached out and grabbed my butt. I yelped and ran up to my room, holding in tears and hearing the sound of my uncle's laughter.
I grip my wrists where the scars of a knife were barely visible.
I will be strong! I thought desperately.
‘You must be strong, soon our mate will come and save us’ my wolf, Roxy pleaded me. She was always going on about ‘our mate will come and save us’ and other crap like that.
Yeah, but when will he come! I can’t live with this I can’t! I wont!
There was a pause.
‘I don’t know, but it’s killing me to see you hurt yourself! We must wait-
“Fuck this shit!” I yelled at the wall, not caring who heard.
I AM SICK AND TIRED OF WAITING! I AM IN THE WORST SITUATION ANYONE COULD BE IN! I CAN’T RUN AWAY! THEY WOULD KILL ME! Then the thought hit me, whatever path I take, I will end up dead.
‘NOO!’ She screamed at me. ‘NO! Don’t kill your self! Rosamond Please! I’m begging you please give me a chance! Please!!!’ I could feel her howl of agony inside me.
‘Fine’ I said after she settled down a bit inside me. ‘But I will only wait until my eighteenth birthday, no more! And with that I plugged in my iPod, shutting out the world for a while.
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BackFlip Mate
WerewolfI crouched on the warehouse roof and kept completely still, in hopes that they wouldn't hear me. "The hell man, who's been here?" one said. I flatten my back even more to the flat rocky surface as if I was part of it. "You guys look here, Joe, Alex...