[Pic of Rose}
NOTE!!!!!: Alli's name is now CHANGED to Rosamond.
Chapter 2
Skool with wolfs
A knock on the door woke me from the uneasy sleep I was in.
“What?” I asked rubbing my eyes and looking at the clock for the time, it was almost nine.
“You need to do the dishes,” Jacks words slurred though the door, “we’re going out to party.” His steps started to retreat, but stopped and he yelled back. “Oh, and we’re moving tomorrow.”
“WHAT?” I leapt off the bed and ran to the door, throwing it open. “Where? When? Tomorrow? Why?”
He glared at me, “Just pack, our plane leaves at nine to Hailton Hills, California!” and with that he left me alone in my small room to pack.
I jumped up and fell out of my bed. Rubbing my eyes I slowly started to recall what went on last night. When I did, I wanted to go right back to bed.
‘Roxy!’ I complained to her. ‘What are we going to do! We are MOVING! Oh, just shoot me now!’ I rolled my eyes.
‘Rosamond, not funny. Think of it as starting fresh, new people to meet and a new school too, maybe you can try to make some friends?’
‘Ugh! School!’ I hit my head against the wall.
‘Please just try?’
“AH! The things you make me do, how can I live with you?’
‘You couldn’t live without me.’
‘Oh, true ‘cause I’d be dead right now if it weren’t for you.’
‘True.’ Was her single word reply.
I blocked her out, quickly puffed my hear and applied my make-up before bringing down my one bag full of all my stuff. As I walked through the living room I saw a pile of six bags, that I suppose, I must pack into the van. I’m surprised they didn’t make me wear a maids outfit; with all the work they had me always do.
I take the heavy load and pack it into the van then, go into the kitchen to see if I could find anything to eat. The fridge was empty and not running, all the shelves had no dishes in them and the water was off.
The hell… I thought
‘Well, we are moving…’
Thanks so much Rox, I had a hard time figuring that out.
‘Sorry, didn’t mean to hit a nerve, no need to get upset.’
I pushed her down, I’m always upset, I thought as I looked at the dry sink. I hated my life... oh, right, I already told you that. Maybe change would be nice, maybe I could make some friends, am I really that much of a freak?
I rub my sore writs, the scars on them healing off two nights ago. It took about three or four days to fully heal, them I would cut again, fall asleep crying, and repeat.
“Hey! You! Time to go!” Jack yelled at me, interrupting my thoughts. I quickly hop into the back of the big white van, and we made our way to the airport.

BackFlip Mate
WerewolfI crouched on the warehouse roof and kept completely still, in hopes that they wouldn't hear me. "The hell man, who's been here?" one said. I flatten my back even more to the flat rocky surface as if I was part of it. "You guys look here, Joe, Alex...