Chapter 12

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Nicki was sat watching some reruns of judge judy as she had nothing else to do. It had been almost 3 weeks and she still hadn't returned to queen of hearts or spoken to drake. On many occasions had she almost dialled his number but she had stopped herself. If he really loved her he would be the one to make the first move, and she was starting to feel like he didn't.

She was making her way back to her living room when she heard a knock on her apartment door. She went over and answered it without looking and was surprised with who she saw there. He stood dressed in some black skinny jeans, a white jumper and his white timbs. He just stood looking at her as she did the same to him before he finally spoke up.

Drake: can I come in

She moved aside and allowed him to walk into the apartment. She turned around and just stood looking at her before he took her hand into his and lead her into the living room. He took a seat on the couch and sat her onto his lap. He rested his head on her chest and she put her arms around him.

Drake: I've missed you baby girl

He looked up at her and she leaned in and kissed him of which he gladly accepted. She ran her hand through his hair before he pulled away.

Nicki: I missed you too

Drake: how have you been.

Nicki: I've been alright. I've been better

Drake: I'm sorry

Nicki: you're okay. It wasn't you anyway, I just need the time to collect myself

Drake: you know the time away didn't change anything

Nicki: what do you mean ?

She knew exactly what he meant but she wanted to hear him say it so she could be certain.

Drake: I still love you. You're still my baby girl and I don't want you to ever forget that.

He leaned in and kissed her cheek and took her hand into his.

Drake: with time, you'll have a baby in you. My baby

He kissed her stomach which was on full show due to the crop top she was wearing.

Drake: and I'll give you a ring on that left hand and my last name to go with it

He kissed her hand and she smiled. He then looked her in the eye.

Drake: but I don't wanna rush it so for now let's just enjoy each other. That can all follow but for now, I'm still living life

She chuckled.

Drake: I wanna be able to enjoy myself if you know what I mean. I don't wanna be tied down just yet.

She nodded. He then sat back on the chair and she snuggled closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Drake: what are we watching

He looked at the TV before chuckling causing her to blush.

Drake: so what have I missed

She explained what had happened so far to him and he just listened taking in her every word...

Nicki had just got off stage and was heading to her dressing room, when she bumped into Chyna.

Chyna: hey babe,

Nicki: hey boo, where you headed

Chyna: stage. Amber and I have our set next

Nicki: okay I'll see you later

She headed to her dressing room and got changed into her next outfit. She put her hair half up and half down before fixing her make up and heading back out. She headed to the other dressing room where she found Jade and Lola sat with drinks as they waited for their next set

Nicki: hey guys

Jade: hey nic, whatchu doing

Nicki: waiting for my next set

Lola: and you're not in kings office. That's a first

Nicki just laughed.

Jade: I heard he's observing tonight. Somewhere in the crowd

Nicki: yeah he is, I caught his glance in my last one

Lola: well means some of us are gonna be trying a little too hard

She turned her attention to Kayla who was clearly putting in too much effort.

Nicki: when did she get back

Jade: the other day

Nicki just rolled her eyes. She then received a new text from Lira who was one of the dancers at black ice.

Jade: who you texting

Nicki: Lira, she's one of the new ones

Lola: here, cause I haven't heard of any new ones

Nicki: no at Black Ice. She's friends with my little sister.

Jade: is she pretty

Nicki: she's sexy. If she was here I would have me one hell of a competition

Lola: but she's not so you ain't got no worries. I wanna see her

Nicki: I'll show you her when I get off stage. I gotta go

She got up and said her goodbyes before she took of heading to side stage. She passed Chyna to whom she gave her phone so it wouldn't be a distraction. Once she was on stage she got lost in her own little world. She found king say on an armchair fairly close to the centre and made her way over to him. She straddled him and he knowing the rules didn't move a muscle. He looked her in they eyes and smirked at her.

King: make me some money

And just like he had asked she made him a crazy amount of money just by dancing on him and around him...


Noah: you got her now

Drake: indeed I have.

Noah: a thank you would be nice

He just laughed before he threw him the ball. Noah caught it before he took a shot and scored.

Noah: so what's the next step

Drake: we're just gonna study each other I guess

Noah threw him the ball and he bounced it.

Noah: what about kids, marriage

He took a shot and it went in.

Drake: I'm not ready for all that yet

Noah: and what if she is

Drake: nah, not yet. I'm not ready to be a father yet.

Noah: that will mean no strip clubs, no over excessive drinking, no sex every night

Drake threw the ball viscously at Noah and he caught it.

Drake: that ain't happening anytime soon.

Noah just chuckled before he ran and took a layup.

Noah: you're in a serious relationship now Mr. Graham

Drake: exactly, a serious relationship, not a marriage...


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