You Are The Palace To My Flames

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AN: so i got bored and had an idea for this one shot i might make more so let the fluffyness commence !Wooly xx


I was sat curled up on the couch with Laurence. “Hey it’s alright Drew, I’m sure he’s fine okay.” He soothingly rubbed my back mumbling comforting nonsense. I nodded into his tear soaked chest. I heard a key in the lock and tried to compose myself.  Drying my eyes and wiping my nose on my sleeve. Shane walked in. I breathed a sigh of relief. He was fine, back in one piece. He looked over at me. “Drew have you been crying?” I shook my head not trusting my voice. “Drew you have I can see your eyeliner that’s been smudged down your cheeks, you look like Kier.” He sounded mad. I hastily stood up and made my way down the hallway to our bedroom. My words form earlier echoing in my head “I hate you!” Rubbing at my face as I went but it was no use more tears just fell.


I looked at Laurence who simply said “Go after him” I nodded following him. I stopped outside our door. From behind it I heard his muffled sobs. It broke my heart. I thought about knocking but shook it off. He needed me. I silently opened the door and saw Drew curled up hugging a pillow to his chest with his face buried in it. I shuffled over and knelt down in front of him. Gently prying his hands away from the pillow and discarding. I crawled up beside him and pulled him into my arms. His went around my waist before his hands tangled themselves in my t-shirt. His tears drenched my chest. I rested my head on top of his and ran my fingers through his hair. I didn’t say anything I just held him.

What felt like hours later Drew emerged from my chest and looked up at me with puffy eyes. “I’m sorry Shane I didn’t mean it.” I leant my forehead against his “I know I’m not mad Drew, I can never be mad at you.” He tightened his fingers in my top pulling me closer to him. “Drew when I walked away I did it because I needed to calm down so I wouldn’t say anything I regretted or to hurt you. I could never forgive myself if I hurt you.” His eyes started watering again. I kissed a tear away as it fell. I pulled him closer and cradled him. “I love you too much to stay mad, you are the palace to my flames, the Evelyn to my Ruple and the key to my heart”


I laughed at how cheesy he sounded. “And you are the fetish to my finite, the Kier to my Laurence and the Timid 2 to my Timid 1. Shane I love you more than anything.”

“More than Weezer?”  I laughed and nodded into his chest. “Only if you love me more than Iron Maiden” I heard a pained noise and looked up. “Bu-But Drew its Iron Maiden” I pretended to be hurt and filled my eyes with tears. “Drew don’t cry please don’t of course I love you more than Iron Maiden. I was joking forgive me”

“I’ll only forgive you if I get a kiss.” He leant down to peck my cheek “Uh uh, here” I pointed to my lips. He brushed his against mine. I smiled into it. “Okay forgiven.” He pulled me as close as he could. I placed my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat and feeling his chest rise with every breath. Soon it evened out and he fell asleep. I wriggled out of his grasp and quickly pulled the covers over us before wriggling back into and falling asleep with him.

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