Bleed Till Sunrise *POSSIBLE TRIGGER*

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An: so yeah hi I warn this might possibly  be triggering and stuff but I had an idea for a oneshot and I kinda like it and it has helped me get my feelings out about some stuff lately


I ran down the alley and fell against the building sobs wracking my body, stealing my breath from me. I couldn’t take it anymore the words and taunts tore at my heart as much as I tore the blade against my skin. Every insult fuelled the self hate and loathing I directed at myself. I rubbed the sleeve of my hoodie against my eyes clearing them of the tears that obscured my vision.  My knees gave out from beneath me and I fell to the floor. I couldn’t keep doing this. Everyone would be so much happier of just disappeared. I had been thinking about it for a long time. Taking a deep breath I felt a sense of calm shroud me as I dug into my jeans pocket searching for the little box I always had with me. Finding it I opened the lid and looked in at m oldest and for a long time only friend. The way the light from the lamp glinted off it showed its sharpness. The tears had almost flowed to a stop. This was it. I would finally be gone just like everyone wanted. I pulled my sleeve up and traced the silver, fading pink and sore red lines that graced it with my finger. I was vaguely aware of voices that approached a door near me as I dragged the blade across my arm releasing all the pain I felt as the blood trickled down towards my clenched fist and the flooe. I went deeper than I ever had, I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t fail. No one would find me till I was gone. That was the way I wanted it. I made a few more cuts. That should do it. I had better leave a note, not that anyone would care. With shaking hands I pulled my phone out and opened a blank text. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you wanted, sorry I failed you. You wont have to worry anymore though this is the end of me. Sam’ . The last thing I saw was a red van, I heard a door open, a call and then nothing.


I laughed as I walked towards the door to the back of the venue and pulled my guitar higher up my shoulder. Drew and Kier had already had a few drinks and were in high spirits. I would probably join them in a little while but I wanted to put my guitar in the van so I knew it would be slightly safe from them. I pushed it open and started towards the van. I noticed a person sat against the wall. Possibly a fan although I was sure they had all gone home and I couldn’t recall seeing them tonight. I frowned. “Are you alright?” I called to them slightly wary. They didn’t respond. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach something wasn’t right. Placing my bag against the wall I walked towards them. As I got closer I realised it was a girl slumped against the wall. “Miss, hello are you alright?” something really wasn’t right. It was then I noticed the blood. “LAURENCE” I shouted to probably the only other completely sober member of my band “LAURENCE” I sprinted the last few feet towards her and fell to my knees picking her up and cradling her against me not caring if her blood was staining my shirt. That was the last thing I could remember as Laurence came tumbling out the door and the rest of the evening blurred together.


I heard a beeping noise somewhere near me and a beautiful voice singing quietly. So heaven beeps then? Huh never saw that coming. A smell registered with me, it was sterile and bleach-y making me wrinkle my nose. Well I guess I saw that I mean its always depicted as being all white and clean. Guess I should see what it looks like. I slowly opened one eye and then closed it again quickly against the glaring brightness. Should have seen that one coming though. I tried again and braced myself for it. I opened them and saw a be speckled white ceiling. Okay maybe not heaven, it’s a hospital. I sighed and heard the singing stop suddenly. I turned my head and saw a group of 5 men sat on the floor and chairs. A small blonde was sat curled up on the floor he head resting against another blondes knee, a bearded man was sat stretched out in one of the three chairs, and then two others were cuddled up together. They were all asleep apart from the blonde sat in the remaining chair. He was looking straight at me. I guessed he must have been the one to find me if the blood stained shirt was anything to go by. “I’m sorry” I croaked out. “What?” he asked “I’m sorry” I repeated. “Why?” I looked at his shirt “For that, it’s probably ruined” he looked down at it “Don’t worry its old and I have more Iron Maiden ones at home” I nodded slowly “I’m still sorry” I whispered. I started to try and push myself into a sitting position and winced as the wires in my arm caught and pulled at my skin. “Here let me help” the man pushed his friend to lean against the bearded mans leg and stood up. He was tall and slim. He moved quickly over to me and helped me sit up without disturbing the wires and cables. He then moved and grabbed the chair he'd been occupying and moved it closer to my bed. “I’m Shane and I’m guessing you’re Sam” he said smiling. I nodded “How did you know?” he pulled my phone from his pocket and my little box. I reached for them and he placed them gently in my hand his calloused fingers grazing my palm. “I found these next to you” I opened the box and found it empty. It was gone. My oldest friend, the only one who understood my pain and didn’t judge me. Gone. “Sam,” Shanes soft voice sounded closer as his warm hand enclosed mine. I looked up at him his face blurry as tears gathered he lifted his other and gently wiped them away. “Sam, you don’t know me and I don’t know you but I’m going to be here for you now. I’m going to show you a reason, no I’m going to show you five reasons why you don’t need it” I blinked and stared into his green eyes “Five reasons?” I echoed confused “Yes five and they’re all in this room, that is if you’d like me to” I looked around the room and realised he was on about himself and the four snoring men behind him and nodded “Yes I would, I would like that a lot” he smiled at me. “Welcome to a the Fearless Vampire Killers family” he said simply.

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