Twitter Famous

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AN: its a bit short but its spur of the moment idea to celebrate this momentus day in history anyway let me know what you think Enjoy Wooly xx


I woke up and did what I normally do. Check Twitter. Somehow it felt different. I wasn’t sure why until I noticed it. A small blue tick. I froze. “Holy shit” I whispered. “Holy SHIT, LAURENCE WAKE UP AND CHECK TWITTER” I shouted at the man beside me “HOLY UNICORN BALLS BATMAN” I heard Drew scream from the next room. I jumped up and ran out the room colliding with Drew in the hallway “WE’RE VERIFIED” we screamed together. Laurence stumbled out of the room hair dishevelled glasses sat wonky on his face. “We’re verified?” he whispered we nodded. Me and Drew grabbed his hands and started jumping, spinning and chanting, pulling the shocked panda around. A door opened and Luke stood there a glare plastered on his face. “Guys what is all this noise about?”


I was lying in bed peacefully asleep when I was rudely awoken by the sound of two squealing girls. This confused me. Since when did we have girls in the flat. I opened the door and was faced with the sound. This made more sense. “Guys what is all the noise about?” I asked folding my arms across my chest. I had just enough time to unfold them and grab the door frame when a small Woolnough shaped object came flying toward me. Then followed by a Kier shaped projectile. We fell to the floor. “Luke we got a little blue tick on twitter do you know what this means?” Drew and Kier asked in sync. That was creepy. I shook my head. “WE’RE TWITTER FAMOUS!” I watched Laurence stumble back through to Keveridges room “Guys let me up i ant more sleep” they scrambled up. I looked around slightly confused. “Wheres Barrone?”


I was sure he was right behind me. We looked around the flat until we came to mine and his bedroom. I opened the door and felt my jaw drop. Lying sprawled out across the bed was Shane. The blankets wrapped around his waist. Light snores emitting from him. “How the hell did he sleep through that?” Luke asked his face probably mirroring mine. “I have no idea, I’m going to make coffee you guys want some?” Kier asked wandering off.


I snuggled further into the bed so glad I’d invested in a set of ear plugs, you never know when Drew and Kier will fangirl for no reason.

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