Notes to a Timid

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I collapsed on my bed after my shift at work. I yawned and reached over for Drew hoping I had made it home in time for a few minutes to cuddle before he got up for work at 7. I sighed when I felt a cold space. We never seemed to see each other during the week anymore and we were always busy with the band at the weekend. We never seemed to get time to ourselves. He worked a day shift and I worked a night one. I sighed again and sat up to get changed for bed. At least his pillow would smell like him. Climbing back in I grabbed his pillow and pulled it up to my face. I smiled and pulled it to my chest hugging it. I felt my hand brush across something. Confused I sat up and reached across and turned on the lamp. Stuck to his pillow was a post it note.

“Sleep well beautiful. I love you. Drew xx”

I smiled. He was the cutest thing ever. I opened the drawer on my bedside cabinet and placed it inside. I grinned as I breathed in his scent and fell asleep.


I woke up a few hours later and stumbled into the kitchen. I made my way over to the kettle rubbing my eyes. Stuck on the side of the kettle was another post it note.

“Afternoon sleepy head, I hope you slept well. There’s a surprise in the fridge, yours Drew xx”

Smiling I opened it and found another note stuck to the side of a mug.

“Because you’re my favourite I made you your favourite. Always Drew xx”

It was his hot chocolate. I smiled widely, he was being so damn cute and I have no idea what Ive done to deserve it. I opened the microwave and stuck it in. I pottered around the kitchen while it heated up thinking of ways I could repay him, some ideas making my face flush. I was thankful it was just me and Drew this week, Kier and Laurence were having a week away together and Luke was visiting his parents. We had the house to ourselves for the weekend. The microwave pinging brought me out of my daydreams with a jolt. Carefully removing it before I wandering through to the living room. I placed my mug down and walked over to the tv finding another note here too.

“Just press play and relax. Forever Drew xx”

I did as it said taking the note with me I curled up on my seat and pulled my sketch pad onto my lap. I carefully stuck the notes together and traced Drews handwriting. It was cute like him. I opened my pad and found another stuck to the last drawing I had been working on.

“I know you don’t like working in silence. Love Drew xx
(p.s. this looks amazing as always)”

I heard the opening titles of my favourite film starting. I really needed to find a way to thank him now. I settled down and turned to a clean page I started sketching out something random as I sipped my hot chocolate slowly. I looked up for a moment and spied some post it notes sat on the desk in the corner. I smiled an idea forming in my mind. I picked up the phone to put my plan into motion.


I opened the door to our flat and walked in. I sighed at the silence, usually the guys would be home by now but no one was. I guessed Shane was at work. I smiled I wonder if he found my little notes? I hadn’t seen him enough lately and wanted to do something special for him. I wandered into the kitchen and opened a cupboard to get the teabags out. A cup of tea sounded nice about now. I pulled my favourite mug out of the cupboard. A bright pink sticky note was stuck to the side.

“Do you wanna play a game? Look in our room Shane xx”

I smiled, I guess he found my notes. I placed my mug on the side and wandered through the quiet living room and made my way to our room. another note was on the door.

“Open the door and have fun. Shane xx”

I pushed it open and spied a few bits of pink all over the room. I picked up the closest one to me it had one word on it.


My brow furrowed, what was he up to? I quickly gathered the rest of them and sat down on the floor with them set out in front of me. I stared at them for a moment before rearranging them to form a sentence.

“Meet me in our special place. Shane xx”

I grinned and jumped up. It seemed like I wasn’t getting a quiet night in waiting for Shane to come home so we could spend the weekend together. It appeared my weekend was starting early. I ran and grabbed my coat and keys locking the flat as I left. I skidded round the corner and ran down the alley, knowing it was a shortcut, I didn’t want to keep him waiting. I came to a halt in front of the park. A splash of pink stood out in the evening light stuck to the gate. I walked forward catching my breath as I did so.

“Almost to your prize. Shane xx”

I opened the gate and stepped in spying Shanes shoes poking out from behind the climbing frame. I made my way over and found him sat with his headphones in and eyes shut. A smile soon found its way to his face as he sensed my presence. Another note was stuck to his jacket.

“Congratulations you won. I love you. Shane xx”

I felt a hand curl around my ankle and looked down to see him smiling up at me, I launched myself at him and smiled as we kissed. I pulled away and looked at him “Why aren’t you at work” he smiled and rested his forehead against mine holding me in his lap. “Im sick” I pulled back and placed my hand on his forehead “What the hell are you doing out here then, for god sake Shane if you get any sick-“ I was cut off by his lips. “I’m fine I just missed you and wanted to spend time with you. You could say I’m Timid sick”

AN: im working on trying to write ICHTVORA but heres another Timids oneshot I wrote using a prompt I thought sounded cute from tumblr. let me know what you think enjoy Wooly xx

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