The Wedding

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AN: thank Purple_Llama__ for the idea!! btw if you have a plot idea and want i will try and do requests! Wooly xx


I was sat with Barrone as Kier, Drew and Pilnahn got ready for the wedding we’d been invited to. I looked at the clock “C’mon guys hurry we’ve got to leave in a few minutes” I hurried the three of them they all glared at me. It wasn’t my fault they forgot to set their alarms, it wasn’t my fault they overslept, well actually that’s a lie but not fully though it had been Kier’s idea to go out drinking but it had been my fault when I had wandered off at about midnight and they had to find me.


I bent over to apply my last coating of hairspray “Kier, man, you do realise that’s a waste of time, you’re not even getting any in your hair.” Luke told me “I don’t care, I’m special so I need a special way to apply my hairspray!” I huffed. “Oh you’re special alright,” he muttered. I stood up and playfully glared at him “You wanna say that to my face mate?” Luke grinned. Before he could reply and exasperated Panda butted in “Guys we seriously don’t have time for this we have to leave,” he looked at his watch “Five minutes ago!” I looked at Drew who was currently having his bowtie sorted by Shane. “Fine, fine SHOTGUN” I Shouted and burst through the door on my way to the van. “Awww no fair” I heard Drew call.


I pulled the van into a space and we all quickly headed into the church, luckily it seemed we weren’t the last to arrive. As we all sat in the pews I noticed people that didn’t know us looked disapprovingly at the way we were dressed. We weren’t wearing anything different to what they were we were just wearing it well our way. Laurence was looking very Panda-esque, Kier was wearing his skull belt buckle, Barrone had his goggles and Drew had a small amount of eyeliner around his eyes. We were basically wearing what we did on stage minus the theatricality and talcum powder.


 I could feel the eyes on us as we walked in. Disapproving gazes. I looked over at Laurence who was sat staring at his feet. I reached over and squeezed his hand. He looked up and I smiled at him. When he didn’t smile back I pulled a Drew on him. I watched as he laughed. Happy, I turned back to facing the front of the church.


I sat talking quietly to Drew who was asking all sorts of random questions such as ‘would you rather have scissors for fingers or a shoe for a neck?’ and ‘would you rather be bald for the rest of your life or have a magnetic head?’ I smiled and shook my head, where did he come up with these? I heard the organ start and stood up with the rest of the congregation motioning to Drew with a finger on my lips to be silent now. He nodded and turned as well.

                                                           ~A little while later~


I was sat watching as the newlywed couple had their first dance. I was sat beside a gushing Shane. For some reason he always went very fangirly at weddings. That was when I spotted it. Sat in the corner of the room was the cake.


I watched as Drews eyes lit up. What was he up to now? That was when I saw what his gaze was trained on. Oh no. Not again. I decided then and there that he wasn’t getting any. Not after last time. I shuddered at the memory. I leaned over to kier “Kier don’t let Drew have any cake tonight.” He looked at me and could see he was remembering too. He nodded with a scared look in his eye. “Tell Pilnahn” he leant over and could tell he had told him as he had the same reaction as both me and Kier. Unfortunately we had lost Shane. He usually did this, disappeared in the middle of the first dance. I sighed and stood up as the song ended and clapped with everyone else in the room.

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