Chapter 1

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"I can't believe I got asked out by Jackie Lynn Thomas!" Squealed Marco. "This is so great!!" Marco plopped onto Star's bed and folded his hands behind his head. Star sat down beside him and
mumbled something under her breath, and Marco frowned. "We're such a cute couple! I mean, picture it!" Star huffed and flicked a piece of hair from her face.
Star was being weird. She was never like this.
Marco's frown grew deeper. "I really like her, you know." Marco grabbed a fistful of nachos and crunched, waiting for her reply.
Star was silent, grabbing a laser puppy to distract herself with. "Star, what's wrong?."Nothing?" Star said uncertaintly. To be honest, Star didn't know why she was acting like this. She didn't want to, but something about Jackie and Marco ticked her off. "Star, you seem a bit-off. Do you need Dr. Marco, P.H.D?" Star faked a small smile, knowing that he was trying to lighten the tension that hung in clouds around Star's room. Star pet her puppy and smiled. "I'm fine. Really. Just a little tired, and-uh-moody. Mewberty, ya know?" Star gave a shaky laugh and akwardly tucked her hair behind her ear. What the heck was wrong with her? It was like she was jealous. But she wasn't. If anything she was supportive and tried to help them develop their relationship. She was scared about what was going on, and she couldn't talk to anyone about it. For some reason, anytime someone mentioned Jackie she had the urge to snap a pencil... or Jackie's neck. If only she could talk to....Star gasped and Marco jumped. After a long period of akward silence, Marco was confused as to what crazy idea
Had hatched in star's creepy brain. "Out out out out out!" Star said, grabbing Marco by the shoulders and pushing him out the door. "On earth, that's rude." Marco said, standing in the doorway with his arms folded. "Rude on Mewni too got to go expecting a mirror call baiii!" Star slammed the door in his face, just in time too because she burst into heaving sobs. Tears streamed from her puffy eyes past the hearts on her cheeks. There was only one person left to talk to. Her Mother.

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