Being A Player

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"My name is Jessica...remember it big one" she says.

She didn't have to tell me. I already knew. The infamous Jessica Leivy. Daughter of Robert and Jane Leivy, Owners of half of New York. They own businesses from left to right, crushing any one dumb enough to challenge them. Any one but my family of course, who happens to own the other half and then some. She is the enemy. But I can't help to smile. She's like a breath of fresh air. First time meeting her and yet it felt like we've known each other for a life time.

"It'll be hard to forget." With that I leave and enter back through the building of our school.

The geek attempts to win over the bad boy. I like it already. Senior year Just got interesting. To think I was going to transfer today. Change of plans dad.

"Hey Ashton." I heard a squeaky voice goes. Cassie. "I'm so sad it's your last day. Maybe u can come over and I'll give you a proper good bye." She purrs. If everyone knew she was such a slut, her family would disown her within a day. Probably shift her off to some Catholic boarding school.

"No need. I won't be leaving anymore." I say walking towards my locker.

"Really!" She's yells following me. "I can still come over and we can celebrate." She's persistent.

What the hell. It's not like she's that bad in bed. "Sure. Come over."

She finally goes away. Probably to start gossiping about how she thinks we're dating and I like her. I hear the gossip, but everyone who's not naive or stupid knows she's just missing a few brain cells.

I get a text and take out my phone to read it. It's my older brother. I don't even bother reading the text.just seeing who sent it is enough. I couldn't care less about him. Fuck him. How is it fair that I'm smarter, more practical in everyway, not to mention better looking then him, and yet because he was born first he automatically inherits everything. Interesting...we'll see. I heard he just got into a little mess with the law.

I grab my bags and head out to football practice.


It's six and I'm extremely tired. I get home and get in the shower. All I can think about is Jessica though. She's been on my mind all day. On the way home I seen her having dinner with her mom. She almost looked sad, with a hint of anger. Kinda like she does during school. Besides our little encounter earlier, She's usually to herself and very careful of her actions and words.

I prefer the carefree Jessica. I wonder what she does on her free time. If she'll hang out with me one of these days.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I hear a knock at my door and go to open. It's of course cassie.

"Can I help you?" I ask a little annoyed.

"I thought we had plans babe" she purrs. Oh yea. I'm really not in the mood, but the faster I get her out the better.

"Not here. Let's go in a guest room." I state, pushing her towards a room down the hall.

"Why can't I ever go in your room? What are you hiding Ashton?" She asks.

"I'm hiding nothing. I just prefer to not have meaningless one-nighters or quickies in my room" I state harshly. I hope she catch my drift.

She doesn't. "Babe, nothing we do is meaningless we love each other."

This hoe has to go. "No we don't. And stop calling me babe. Are we doing this or not. I have somewhere to be."

She doesn't reply and just starts to undress. I hate when a girl is too hasty. Like have you heard of four play.

I close the door, drop my towel and walk over to her. I grab her pony tail and yank her head back.then I start kissing her neck. I slowly go down to her boobs and start sucking them one by one. I'm licking her all over her collarbone and all I hear her doing is moaning. A picture of Jessica passes through my head. I get an instant hard on. I push Cassie on the bed and slowly open up her legs. Without warning I shove two fingers in her and start to move ever so slowly. She arches her back and grabs the sheets as if holding on to dear life. I take my fingers out and slowly guide it up her body. When I reach her mouth, she eagerly opens it and starts to suck on my finger. I retrieve my finger and once again open up her legs with my hands, this time positioning my member at her entrance. I decide to tease her and just rub it up and down until she's begging me to put it in. I reach over by the drawer, grab a condom, slip it on, and quickly shove my member in her in one swift move.

I grab her hips and get to work.

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