Being Someone else

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Wow. She actually agreed to going out with me. Dinner and a movie. Sounds good. Nerve wrecking since I'm almost sure I'll be meeting her parents. But then again I wonder. She seemed so sad yesterday evening when I saw her having dinner with her mom. I wonder if they have a good relationship. Who knows. I bet it's better then my dad's and I.

I am headed home from football practice and I still can't get Jessica out of my head. Damn. What is it about her?

I pull into the driveway of my dad's mansion, it's too big to be called a house. I see three cars in the driveway and my dad's limo...I won't like this.

I get out of my car and head towards the front door. As soon as I open it I hear screaming coming from the kitchen. I slowly walk in, close the door and try to listen.

"Your a fucking disgrace. You've single handedly ruined this family name." My loving dad says. Note the sarcasm.

"Joseph don't get over worked, it's not good for your blood pressure." My dad's wife says. I hate her.

"Are you serious right now. This ass has a rape charge on his record and I have to hide it before word gets out. It'll ruin my businesses. I swear--"

That's what James did.

"Dad it's not what you think. She lied on--"

"Shut the fuck up!" My dad yelled. I nearly peed myself. Kidding. I've never heard him so angry. I'm just happy it's not me this time.

I slowly walk towards the stairs to go to my room when I hear my name.

"Ashton get in here." My dad say.

Fuck. I walk in the kitchen and don't spare anyone a look. "Yea dad. I have homework so--"

"Don't piss me off Ashton." My dad says slowly.

"If my statement pissed you off....I wonder how you feel knowing your precious heir, prince of the knight kingdom, has raped someone. Underage at that." I say sarcastically.

"Go die somewhere you fucking reject." James yell at me.

That stung. I must not let him see.

I glare at James. "Keep talking James. Maybe one day you'll say something intelligent. That's all we can hope for, we know your actions won't achieve any greatness."

"Ashton, when your whore of a mother gave birth to you she must've dropped you. Or maybe she hated you as much as everyone else, reason why she gave you to dad without a second thought." James retaliated.

I was getting angry.

"Here's a hint. If you're gonna act like a dick, why not put a condom on your head and look like one too. Actually, just put a plastic bag over your head and breathe slowly." I say.

"And you can just put a gun to your head." James retaliated.

"ENOUGH!" My dad yells. My brother and I glare at one anther. "You two are gonna make me do something I'll regret. Now..Ashton...before I was rudely interrupted by the bickering between you two..I was gonna say--"

"Actually dad--" I started.

"Shut up! Actually both of you get out my face. As of right now, neither of you are in line for the family business."

"Honey don't be so rash. James clearly--" my dad's wife starts.

"No! Neither of then have shown me that they deserve it." My dad says.

"I was never in the running anyway." I say and walk away. I need a shower.


It's two in the morning and I'm on instagram. I'm busy looking for my little jessie. Wait? Did I just call her mine? Who cares. She is least now she is.

I finally find her. her name on instagram is "deeply_wounded" which I find kinda sad. I wonder why she has it as that. In that instance I know I wanna protect her and keep her away from all harm.

I send her a follow request since she's on private. Two minutes later I get a notification that she's accepted and also started following me. That was fast. What is she doing up?

I send her a dm: "What are you doing up ice princess. You need all the beauty sleep you can get."

She replied almost immediately.
- "ice princess? "

- "you're right. You're no where near a princess. Scratch that. "

- "Cute. Funny almost. Jump out your window."

- "damn. Maybe I really need to die. You're the second person who basically told me to kill myself if today."

- "Then what's stopping you"

That stung a little. Even though I knew she's joking. I don't reply.

Five minutes later she texts me.

- " what's your number knight?"

- "5613442335" I reply.

Fifteen seconds later I receive a call.

"Hey cupcake" I say.

"Ice princess, cupcake, what's next. Usually the guy sticks with one Nick name." She answers.

I laugh. She's already bringing my mood up. "You are so right. I'll stick with cupcake." I say.

"Or you can stay with Jessica. You know, my actual name." She says.

"Or not." She huffs. I can tell she's rolling her eyes. " What are you doing?"

"Talking to you."

"Cute. Funny almost." I respond using her own words.

There's silence. "I miss you." She blurts out.

I don't say anything.

"Did you hear me ass hole?" She asks.

"Yea" I say laughing. "I was just a little surprised. I miss you too cupcake. A lot."

silence. Why am I so nervous? Is she nervous? I talk to countless girls. But she's different. I fall apart. Like a player who's lost his rule book.

"Don't go soft on me bad boy." She says.

"Trust me, there is nothing Soft about me right now" I say thinking about my hard on that's coming. "I wish you were in my bed right now."

"Doing what?" She asks innocently.

I laugh at her. "Cuddling babe. Unless you have something else in mind ." I say seductively.

The silence let's me know she's blushing.

"We're not there yet. Goodnight Mr.knight. Sweet dreams." She quickly answers.

"Goodnight cup--" she already hung up. I smile to myself and close my eyes. I dream of her. Sweet dreams indeed.

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