Being Truthful

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I wake up to a knock on my door. "Jess. Wake up. Your late for school." My nanny yells.
Fuck! I'm late. I stayed up for two hours yesterday after talking to that ass. I can't believe I actually told him I missed him. What was I thinking. I'll never live it down.

I quickly get up and rush to the restroom. I quickly take a shower, brush my teeth and blow dry my hair. I leave the restroom and head to my closet to find something to wear. Clothes searching. The bane of my existence. I could never decide on what to wear. After what seems like eternity, I decide on a white shirt, navy blue knee length skirt with brown belt, flats, and purse. I put my hair in a messy bun and add some sunglasses to complete the outfit. For some reason I wanna look cute today. For Ashton. My inner thoughts say. Yea right. I put on some lipgloss and call it a day. I don't really wear makeup...don't wanna mess up my clear skin. But sometimes I'll wear eyeliner and mascara...that's about it.

I look at the clock and see that it's 9:15. Shit. I already missed first period. I head downstairs grab my keys and head out.

"Breakfast is ready Jess." I hear my nanny yell.
"I'm late already nunu. I won't have time." I call her nunu. I always have since I was a toddler.
"Jessica Marie levy. Get your ass in this kitchen." I hate when she gets all motherly.
"Fine!" I walk in the kitchen and sit down. She made a whole gourmet meal with eggs, bacon, oatmeal, toast, grits, waffles, pancakes, sausage, fruits, and anything else you can think of. "Nunu I'm only one person."
"Eat." She simply say. I start to dig in. A minute later I receive a text. It's Ashton.
-where are you
-home. Eating breakfast. I woke up late.
- I did too. Wanna ditch and hang out?
-ugh. No.
He must be out of his mind. Ditch? Me? Not in a million years. You already missed like two classes. Live on the wild side for once. My inner thoughts say. The wild side huh?
-why not.
-changed my mind. Sure. Come get me.
-I'm outside.
-come out when you're ready
I don't reply. What an ass. I should really stop calling him that. He just makes me so....I don't even know. I finish quickly with breakfast. Drink some orange juice, grab a bottle of water and run out. "Bye Nunu!" I yell.

I go outside and almost passed out from shock. Ashton was looking so hot. Is that even humanly possible. And he had the simplest of clothes at that. Dark denim jeans and a white v-neck. He had dark converses on. Pure deliciousness.

I walk up to his car, a Ferrari, and he immediately opens the passenger seat for me.

"Morning cupcake." He says with signature his smile.

I can't help but to blush. "Morning ass" I say.

"Please tell me that's not the nick name you chose for me cuz you sure use it a lot." He responds.

"What if it is?" I ask.

"Well I like it"

"That's too bad...cuz it's--wait...You like it?" I ask surprised. "Why?"

"Because it came from you. I take it as a gift from the heavens." Again that smile. Asshole.

"Well then I guess I'll have to change it." I say. Then I get inside the car and close the door before he gets a chance to.

Ashton walks to the driver side and gets in. Then we drive off.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Wanna go to FlyZone?" He asks.

"What is that? I've never been."

"WHAT! You my precious little diamond haven't lived life. The decision is made. FlyZone it is."

We drive in mostly silence beside my occasional 'are we there yet'. I'm so nervous around him. I don't even know why. Every so often I peek glances at him and blush when he catches me. He's so adorable. Every red light we come to he'll stare at me as if I'm the most interesting thing in the world. Like I wasn't having trouble not blushing already.

After about 45 minutes we reach out destination.

FlyZone is basically an indoor trampoline. We go in and before we can buy our tickets we have to sign a safety disclosure stating whatever harm that may come to us, a broken leg or neck, is entirely our fault and we may not sue the place. Well, I wonder who's genus idea was it to make this. I will admit it is kinda funny. After both Ashton and I fill out or contracts we head to the cashier. There we purchase out tickets, which is really a sticker they put on our shirts.

"How long?" The cashier asks. "30 minutes or an hour?"

"30 minutes gorgeous" Ashton answers. Then the ass winks at the cashier.

She blushes. Of course she does. For some reason I'm annoyed beyond words. I hate him.

She tosses my sticker and socks at me and hand Ashton his all seductively, not being shy about touching all over his chest. The bitch had to go.

"Excuse me ma'am, if you want to be a masseuse I think your in the wrong line of business. Now less touchy touchy and more worky worky." With that I grab Ashton's hand and pull him away.

"Jealous much?" Ashton asked.

"In your dreams lover boy. I just assumed you came here to hang with me not stack up on booty calls." I answer. Then I walk away to change into the socks.

Seconds later Ashton is next to me also changing.

"So you gonna jump with a skirt on? Not that I mind" Ashton says with a wink.

"I have shorts under this. I took special precautions knowing I'd be in the presence of an ass today" I retaliated.

At that he laughed like I was the funniest person ever. It made me blush.

"Why'd you choose thirty minutes?"

"You'll see. You won't even last 15." He laughs. "And I'm sorry about--"

"I don't care. I'm not your girlfriend." I say getting annoyed that he actually brought it up as if it's something worth bringing up.

He looks surprised. But quickly covers it up. "Shall we go." I nod and we head to the trampolines.

There's a guy there that's checking us and telling us rules. We needs rules for jumping? I think to myself.

"Ok. There are only three rules. No running, no jumping on the same trampoline as someone else, and no resting inside the playroom. Simple enough" the guy says. Then he checks our stickers and lead us inside.

"Thank you." I say. Time for payback. "How long you've been working here?"

"A year" he goes.

"Impressive" I say. not really. Then I smile at him. He blushes.

"I'm Jordan" he goes. "And you are?"

"She's taken!" I hear Ashton half yell.

Ooh...lover boy is getting mad.

"No no, I'm pretty sure my mom named me Jessica" I say.

Jordan starts to laugh. "Nice to meet you." He says to me giving me his hand. I shake it.

"You too." I say.

With that, I leave a fuming Ashton and go inside and start to jump.

When I notice him still standing there I call out to him. "Hey lover boy, you gonna leave me here all alone? Shall I find other means of entertainment?"

"I'm the only entertainment you need babe." With that he joins me.

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