Being honest

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What the hell does he want? This day just keeps on giving and giving.

"Listen. Whatever you have to say I couldn't care less. You made yourself pretty clear at school. Just do us a favor and leave me alone."

"I know. I just cam—"
"Seriously I'm warning you, walk the fuck away from me."
"Stop being an—"
"Ass-kisser. Sorry apparently it's in my nature. Just like being an inconvenience to everyone is in yours."
Damn I know I took it too far. That damn temper of mine is unbearable sometimes.

"Fuck it then. Consider me no longer a virus in your life." He said and turned to leave.

Why is it that every time a guy fucks up he finds a way to make you pity him. Like, my feelings were hurt. I mean I know we weren't dating or even 'talking' at that, but damn , when does the loyalty begin? After I say yes?

Gosh guys are truly exceptional douche bags.

"Wait." He stops but doesn't turn around to look at me. "I'm sorry for being rude."

"Sure." He states void of emotion. What the hell is wrong with him? Did I hit a nerve?

"Sure? If you're gonna forgive someone you should probably look them in the eye asshole."

He turns then. "I never said I forgave you. I just said sure." He had no emotions on his face as he spoke.

I definitely hit a nerve, I thought to myself.


"Let it go Leivy. Look I think we're both on two different pages and we should clear somethings up. We're not in a relationship ...hell we're not even dating. We just hung out once. So, these over the top emotional outbursts are silly and unneeded. I'm not looking for any—"

"Fuck you Ashton." I get up and walk over to him. I look him straight in the eye so he can see my anger. "If there's one thing I hate in this world, it's fucking liars. I admit we are both on some high shit with whatever we have going on, but saying my outbursts are 'silly' is disrespectful. I'm a person and I have feelings. My 'silly outbursts' are proof of that. Just like you got jealous when that guy was flirting with me, I feel too, whic—"

"I don't think I was jealous. I just felt—"

"Don't interrupt me ass-wipe." He has the nerve to smile. This asshole is relentless. How can I be attracted to such assholness!!! Ugh!!! I'm losing brain cells again.

"Continue your highness."

"I was, before I was rudely inter—"

"But before you do, I—"

"Ashton whatever-the-fuck-your-middle-name-is Kni—"


"STOP INTERRUPTING ME!!!" The ass is full blown laughing now. I hate him. I should just kick him the balls, walk away and never speak to him again. But I can't help but smile. His happiness and laughter is so contagious.

Then he got serious. "I'm sorry cupcake. My dad pissed me off and I only know how to cope one way. I never meant to hurt yo—"

"I wasn't hurt."

"I thought you hated liars?" I blushed and looked away. I hate him.

"I do. I'm not lying."

"So why'd you slap me?"

" too many movies?" I stated matter-of-factly looking everywhere but at him. Again he burst out into laughter.

"I think you're my soulmate...I honestly d—"

Before he could finish I kissed him. I don't know what came over me but I just felt like I needed to be connected to him in some way. I feel the same way he does. Although I'm mad at him, I want to be around him. It's so confusing. I have no experience in this department. Ugh!!! I hate it.

We break the kiss to come up for air.

"Soulmate huh?"

"Cupcake I told you already. Don't let these eyes and apparently my words fool you...I will still break your—"

"Shut up Knight and kiss me."

"Yes ma'am" he states smiling.

With that he joins our lips again and I think about the book 'Heaven is for real' . I've never read it, but I wonder if it's about a kiss? If it is, I wouldn't blame them for writing a book about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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