Being Inconsiderate

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Saying her little act didn't make my blood boil would be an understatement. Didn't she know know she was mine? But if that's her game, so be it. I'll play, after all I created the game. Ha!

Twenty minutes in, she gets tired. I was barely getting warmed up. I guess all that football is useful after all. I was all over the trampolines doing back flips like it was my life. But I was having so much fun with her. She was just jumping and bouncing off the wall. It was funny. There was an instance when I accidentally jumped on her trampoline when she was just lending and she went flying. I think I'll die happy now. It was that funny.

We leave the trampoline without finishing the last ten Minutes.

"Tired already? Told you 30 minutes was more then enough. "

" I'm not tired. I just got dehydrated. You know I am human, and there are essential things we need to keep up with in order to stay alive." That slick mouth of hers is gonna get her in trouble. She's so adorable.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask walking up to the snack counter. And to our surprise the same girl from the ticket counter was here. Should of expected it, both counters are pretty much connected.

"I'm not thirsty." She replied annoyed.
"Two icees and a giant pretzel" I say.

"Coming right up babe. I'm Carey by the way." The girl say.

Jessica is fuming, but I act as if I don't notice.

She brings us our snacks and gives me a total. I pay. When I'm about to walk away she calls to me.

"Wait, you forgot your receipt."

"Don't need it."

"I insist. I put my number on it in case you ever wanna....have some fun" she say seductively. I wanted to laugh so bad.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." I say grabbing the receipt.

I walk over to where Jessica was already sitting, clearly unimpressed by our little act.

"Wow, I'd say she's wifey material." She says.

"I wouldn't." I reply.

She doesn't say anything and just drinks her icee and eat her pretzel.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Can you take me home."

"We haven't had lunch yet."

"My nanny will cook me lunch."

"Come on, stop being stubborn and jealous. I know a nice little place--"

"No." She says sternly.

I don't know what came over me, but something about her adorable sad face got to me. I lean in and stop within inches of her lips. I froze.

Automatically a blush comes on her face. She's just as nervous as me, difference is I can hide my nervousness.

We seem to stay like that for a life time until she speaks.

"If your not gonna kiss me, remove yourself from my personal space." she says.

If that's what you want. I lean in the extra inch, but to my surprise she moves her head. "Back up player player. You can't be serious right now. Especially after your impressive little show earlier, your on punishment." With that she gets up and heads towards the door. She turns around and say "now take me to lunch."

I think I just found my soul mate.

The day went by nicely, with lunch, then ice skating, then bringing Jessica home. I couldn't ask for a better first date. Was it a date? Or just two people hanging out? Who cares, I loved every moment of it.


I get home at around ten. When I get inside, I see my dad on the couch with a magazine in his hands. I wonder what's going on.

"Hey dad."

"Hey son. How are you? How was your day?"

"Fine....Umm...Thanks for asking."

"You know I love you right. And I loved your mother just as much. I just--"

"Didn't love her enough to have a family. But you did love her enough to rip away her only reminder of you. Her only reminder that she had a son she loved and who loved her back. You loved her enough to let everyone believe she was your mistress and not the mother of both of your children! I'm older now. I get it. We don't need to keep having these pointless interactions with one another. You couldn't even defend her the other day when James disrespected her in your face!"

"Enough! I don't want to argue with you. I can't even talk to my own son anymore."

"James is the heir. First born. What is there that you could possibly want to talk to me about. Because last time I remember, You only talk business. Your words, not mine."

"Fine Ashton. You wanna talk business. How about you explain why the tabloids are blowing up with your new love interest. 'The 'star-cross' lovers they call you two."

"What are you talking about." I ask hesitantly.

"You and the "gorgeous" Leivy heiress, as it states here, have been getting familiar with one another. Break it up." He finished sternly.

"And what if I say no?" I ask.

"Are your defying me? Whatever you and that chick have can never last. Besides her family is our biggest competitor. You break her heart and they attack. I won't have my business jeopardized because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants."

"Well the answer is no."

He gets up and walks slowly towards me. Another fist fight I say in my head. He reaches me, and just stands there.

"I won't hit you Ashton. I'll just watch you fall apart. You are incapable of loving others and incapable of being loved by others. Have fun son."

"You're wrong" I say through clenched teeth.

"Am I? Your foolish mother is the only one who ever did and ever will love you, and even she gave up on you easily. You're pathetic."

"Shut up. SHUT UP YOU SON OF A B--" before I can finish I find my self picking myself up. He punched me straight in the jaw. I spit out some blood on the carpet and get up.

I could see he was waiting for me to attack. But I wouldn't give him the benefit of seeing me crack. I just walked away. Better I put ice on this now before it gets too swollen.

"Break it off before I get involved. I won't speak again." He yells after me.

Fuck off. I go in my room and lay on my bed for like two hours or so just thinking and fuming. Finally I get up and shower. When I get out of the shower and get dressed, I look at the time. It's 1:45. I need to get layed. I know I'll regret it, but who cares.

Just when I'm about to text one of my many booty calls, Jessica texts me. Why isn't she sleeping? I don't want to text back, I'll only feel more guilty. She's not your girlfriend. Who cares? I tell myself. Don't go soft playboy.

I stare at her message for what seems like ages. Then she texts again.

I don't even look at it.

I text that Carrie chick. I guess her number did come in handy.

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