Being a nerd

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I get home and take a shower. It's awfully quiet, but I don't mind. It's always been quiet. Always will be, I've come to accept it.

I decide to do some homework and study a bit. Nothing wrong with being a little ahead of the class. I mean, I didn't get to be valedictorian by luck.

By the time I'm done with homework it's nearly one in the morning. I decide, against what my bodies telling me, to text Ashton.

-Hey. I text.

No reply. Twenty minutes later I'm going half crazy looking at my phone just waiting. Decide to try again.

-I had fun today. Thanks for taking me out.

No reply still. He must've been tired. Probably sleeping.

I reluctantly put my phone on silence, turn off the lights and drift into a sweet dream.


I wake up at 5 in the morning barely sleeping 4 hours. But for some strange reason I wasn't tired. I was excited. Sad to say I wanted to see the ass today. I checked my phone to see if he ever replied and fall back on my bed with a hmp.

I wonder what today will bring.

I get up and head towards the bathroom. Since I have time today I'll take a soothing bath instead of a shower. I open the water, close the drain and wait for the tub to fill. As it does, I put in a mango smelling gel. I love fruits.

When the tub is full, i strip off my clothes, get in and start to daydream.

The sound of my nana knocking on my bathroom door told me I had fallen asleep.

"Jess hurry is you wanna get to school on time and eat breakfast." she yelled.

Shit! What time was it. "Alright nunu I'll be down in about 10 minutes."

With that she left. I quickly drained the bath and turned on the shower to quickly rinse myself off.

When i got out i decided to wear something simple: tights with a shirt a size too big that slightly hung on my shoulders. It was simple and cute. I slipped on some open toed sandals and went downstairs.

Again nunu made a meal large enough to feed two nations with enough for seconds. She's gonna turn my nice figure into pudding on legs. Then I'll have to marry myself and adopt 17 cats. Poor me.

I quickly eat breakfast and head out. I take a limo to school today. My feet hurt after the day before.

When I reach the school I get an ominous feeling that somethings gonna go bad today.

I should probably make my driver do that U-turn right quick. But I think against it since I missed yesterday.

When my driver drops me off, I grab my stuff and head to my locker. Hopefully I'll bump into a certain someone. Or nott. I don't know what I want. But I'm getting a really weird feeling.

As I head to my locker I hear my phone vibrate. Thinking Its Ashton I quickly grab my phone only to be disappointed. Its mother.

-Reservations tonight at La-Italy at 7:15. Be there.

Oh boy. My day started off a 9 and now my subconscious is struggling to hold up a number 2. She ruins everything.

When I get to my locker I see  Ashton. Yippie!! My heart Is doing splits. But I don't show my excitement.

"Hey" I say calmly.
"I texted you last night"
"I saw that." he answers nonchalantly. He's being very weird and distant.
"Why didn't you reply?"
"Am I obligated to?"

And the record for the shortest semi-almost-glad-I-Didnt relationship of 0.0001 seconds goes to me.

"Of course not. You're not obligated to do anything. Everything is handed down to you. The almighty Ashton. Have a nice worthless life asshole." I say calmly.

I feel like my poor bi-polar heart is now feeling the pain from that split a while ago...and it BURNSSSS!

I face my locker and start to put in my code. "You're dismissed." I say when I see him still standing there. I open my locker and put my books in. I don't need anything for first period gym.

"I'm dismissed? That's cute your heiness. And for someone who does nothing with their life but study, go to school, and kiss their mothers have the balls to call my life worthless?"

DAMN. If he pushed me off a mountain into a sea of glass and knives it would of hurt less. I knew I was lame and let my mom boss me around a little too much, but when he puts it like that.....I might as well kill myself.

I'm gonna cry about that one tonight. Sheesh.

"Fuck you Ashton! Your life is worthless....I mean for someone who sticks his dick in everything with a whole and who's brother is going to inherit everything...what exactly are you living for? To see if your brother will share the company with a brainless prick like you? Give up now my friend." I know it was harsh but he started it. How dare he come to my locker and pick a fight.

"And one more thin--" I'm cut off by a set of lips. I begin to melt immediately. His lips taste like someone's greatest desire. The kiss is rough, but passionate. It feels like it lasted forever...or as long as we can hold our breaths.

When we pull away he looks me in the eye and say "I slept with the girl at the jumping place." Before my mind could process anything, my hands go straight through his face in a grade-A state of the art slap.

He doesn't say anything else and just walks away.

That's when I let a tear out. What the hell just happened!! It's like I was talking to a completely different guy. Maybe him and his brother are twins and for some reason they switched places today? To try the whole "mile in each others shoe" thing.

Well now my day is sinking...and like the titanic nothing can bring it back up.

And to think he actually liked me. We've known each other for like 52 hours.... I should of known better. I'm an ass.

Before anything else escalates, time to put my heart under key and lock.

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