Ch. 11 - I Promise

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Chapter 11: I Promise

Ten minutes later Ali was sitting in Em's hospital room the brunette facing away from Ali, her chest falling steadily.

"Em, I have something to tell you, it might take a while, but I only have a few hours."

And Ali covered as much as she could in three and a half hours, revealing everything to a sleeping Emily....

Or so Ali thought she was asleep the whole time.

"Em, I have something to tell you, it might take a while, but I only have a few hours."

Ali watched Emily closer for any movement or indication that she was awake, but Em's steady breathing stillness convinced Ali that she was fast asleep.

"Bare with me here, Em."

Ali sighed and took one last glance at the door, thinking that it wasn't too late to just leave now and save herself from reliving the heart ache that had made a home in her heart. But Caleb's words echoed throughout her and if not for Em, then Ali new she would have to say this for herself.

In a shaky breath Ali adjusted herself in the chair and looking at the long locks of Em's brown hair, she spoke softly, "I don't even really know where to begin Em, it seems like a lifetime ago and yesterday all at the same time."

She waited, as if for a response, but she knew none would come.

"Well I guess I can start that summer, the summer before school started, I uh- I disappeared. And you didn't know, no one did. I'm sorry, I never apologized, and I think maybe if I told someone none of this would've happened, maybe things would be different- actually I know they would. But all that has happened made me realize how much I need you; otherwise I might not have had the courage to lo-"

Not yet, Ali told herself, just get through it as much as you can first.

"I left because I was scared of something, of someone. If you could remember how I was before you'd laugh because I used to act like I wasn't afraid of anything, but the truth? I was scared of a lot, I was always in edge because I knew someone was after me, I knew they knew some of the darkest things about me and I couldn't risk getting exposed. This person, they would leave notes and messages, all signed by -A. I thought it was a joke at first but then they started to get scarier and more personal and- and- I had to run.

"The way I left made it seem like I was kidnapped or something, I didn't want it to be like that. And I also couldn't stand to be away for so long, I would sneak out and see you girls sometimes, but mostly you. I'm sorry for the way I broke you then, I knew how much you cared for me and I was most upset at myself for leaving you like that, I wish I would've took you with me.

"But it was my problem, well it was until one day it wasn't. A year later when you all came back for school, they found a body in my old house and they thought it was me. I had to watch you break again in front of me, while I saved myself, my 'death' was the easiest excuse I held on to, to stay away. But -A wasn't fooled, and he came after you, all of you, and that was my fault."

Ali looked up and noticed Em was starting to stir, normal for her sleeping patterns but still, Ali didn't really want Em to be awake, her seizure left her speech impaired, her memory even more muddled and Ali knew she couldn't bare the sight, nor ever come up with the words to explain why Emily was suffering so much for reasons she wouldn't understand at first.

"Em," Alison's voice wavered and she dropped it even lower, her head bowing, "I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I can't- I can't do this without you, you're stronger than me, than anyone I know. I n-need, you, I need your strength for this Em." Alison's head dropped against the bed, by Em's side and when the sobs came and shook her, her chest heaved and she didn't fight them.

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