Ch. 16 - It Was a Gift

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AN: Here's this weekend's update! Hope you like it!


No One's POV

Ali woke up and groaned heavily, her head was hurting and there was the light of a thousand suns shining in her face...well just one to be more exact, but when you're, one hundred, one thousand, it was all the same.

She looked around and realized she was back at Emily's place, sleeping on the couch. She looked around and remembered she had helped Em into bed around 9:30 and went driving around town after that to clear her mind.

It was hard to hear that your girlfriend wanted to start over. It was harder to see how much pressure Emily had on her to be the Emily she was, and even harder to agree at just being friends. So after she helped Emily upstairs into her own bed, and the brunette was fast asleep, she snuck out. She couldn't be in the same house as Em right now and pretend she was going to be okay. She didn't know if she would be.

Alison rolled over and sat up, holding her head in her hands and looking around for her keys. The last thing she remembered was going to a bar just outside of town, but how did she get back here? It was blurry, but the only thing she could remember was talking to the bartender and then...that was it.

A slight fear washed over her and she got up slowly, calling as loud as she could despite her rough throat, "Em! Emily!"

She got to her feet and upon the first few steps forwards, a bright yellow card on the kitchen counter caught her attention. It made her nervous and in the pit of her stomach, she dreaded where her mind wandered. Beside the card also sat her keys and wallet.

Alison thought back to the night before and decided she didn't make it home alone. Her throat was dry but she gathered the courage to open the card:


It was nice seeing you again sis, but next time, let's go easy on the liquor, it'd be terrifying to see you going home with a stranger. Oh wait, you've already done that haven't you?

I'm afraid she wouldn't remember me, so tell that doll, Emily, I said hello.

    See you soon,

        Your brother

Alison's blood ran cold and she knew exactly what brother had written this. She knew now that he had also found her and took her home, to Emily's house. Ali had let him in while Emily was here and she was defenseless. Alison wouldn't have even been able to do anything she was so drunk.

Ali's heart pounded loudly in her chest yet it felt like she was holding her breath. She dropped the card and ran to the foot of the stairs, holding the baluster for support. She tried Emily's name but nothing happened, so she took the steps towards Emily's room in record speed.

Finally, when her lungs felt like they were on fire, she reached the second floor and she gasped, finding her breath...and her voice.

"Emily!" She ran to the brunette's door and sighed in relief to see the girl sitting up in her bed, awake and seemingly unharmed.

Ali didn't see the look Em's face or black burner phone in her hand as she ran to embrace her.

She could only make it to the bed when Emily held her hand out and stopped Alison from coming any closer.

"Stop, s-stop right there." Emily's voice waivered and she hoped she wouldn't start stuttering.

Ali stopped, a different chill running through her body.

"Em," Ali started, stopping when she seen the girl had tears on her face, and something small clutched in her hand.

Ali scooted her body further away from the girl and stared over the brunette, she didn't seem harmed, thank god, but that didn't mean Charles left without doing something or worse saying something to Emily, especially since she would've have known who he was...not to mention he could pass for her slightly less evil brother, Jason.

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