I can't believe Niall wanted to tie me to DoucheBob AssPants.

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Song of the chapter- End Up Here by Cher Lloyd

One, she's amazing. Two, I think this song basically represents what Alyssa is afraid would happen to Alysry.


I flop onto the couch with a sigh, thankful that that awkward car ride is over. I watch as Harry drags Zayn away, most likely to have a discussion. I make a shush motion to everyone else and sneak after them. They end up in Harry's room, and I put my ear against the door, listening.

"...the hell was that? I called dibs, you know that, it was official. You wouldn't have met her if it wasn't for me!"

Of course, this makes me extremely pissed off. I slam the door open, startling them both.

I glare at Harry. "One, YOU DON'T GET TO CALL PORKING DIBS ON ME. If you haven't noticed, I CAN'T STAND YOU! Two, you have no right to be mad at Zayn. Or me, for that matter. Now, piss off, alright?" I stomp off, leaving them both stunned. I smirk slightly, proud of myself. I plop on the couch again, everyone looking at me curiously. I shrug. "It had to be done. I mean, did you see what he did? Total douche move." Niall chuckles beside me and Avery gives me a high five. I settle into the seat, content at the moment.

Of course, it's all ruined when a certain person walks into the room. Of course, he sits down next to me.


I turn to him, irritated. "When are you going take a forking hint?!?"

He shrugs. "When you give me one that you actually mean."

Whoo, that's it. This boy is going to get it.

I stand up slowly, my face clearly contorting into anger. "You have three seconds to run." Of course, the idiot he is, he just stands up in front of me. "Fine. Three, two, o-" I don't even get to finish because the... the... I can't even come up with something bad enough - kisses me. That's right.

As much as I hate to admit it, the cherry-stem-tying thing has some truth to it.

No, focus Alyssa.

I yank myself back, glaring at him with a fire that I've never experienced.

I release that fire with a nice sturdy slap to his prettyboy face.

He had that coming.

I smirk at his shocked face. "What, surprised that I'm not like those idiotic girls you get to sleep with you? Unlike them, I HAVE STANDARDS." And with that, I stalk out of the apartment, Avery in tow.

Once we're out of the large building, we both start freaking out and laughing.

"That was awesome Lyssa! You showed him!" she laughs. I grin.

"He had it coming!" She high fives me and I smile.

"What now?"


I grin. "It's scary how fast you've learned to read my mind."


I pull out various junk foods from my cabinets, including two tubs of Edy's epic Triple Cookie Sundae.

It's as good as it sounds.

I hand her a tub and a spoon and plop on the couch next to her. "Today has been a crazy day," I laugh, and she nods.

"Definitely. It's weird to think that I only met you today..." she laughs and I giggle in agreement.

"So skydiving. I can't believe Niall wanted to tie me to DoucheBob AssPants."

Avery snorts, laughing. "Oh my god, that is amazing."

I chuckle. "It's true though!" I protest. I nudge her, wiggling my eyebrows. "What about you and Ni? I saw you IMing," I wink. She blushes.

"Nothing happened! We just... Talked," she says dreamily and I smirk.

"Seems like you really enjoyed talking," I joke and she hits me playfully. I pout and rub my arm. "Meanie," I mumble. She just grins. "So yeah. Anyway... I KISSED ZAYN!" We start freaking out like teen girls normally do. "And you know what Harry did? He got all possessive and yanked us apart. Like carrot, please," I say sassily and Avery snorts.

"Lou rubbing off on you?" she teases and I shrug.

Wouldn't be a bad thing.

Though how Lou can stand Harry, I have no idea...

"ALYSSA!" I snap out of it, startled, and Avery laughs. Again. I just roll my eyes.



Well, I've been dragged to the flat again.

Niall is one persuasive leprechaun.

Hey, at least I have Avery to keep me sane.


I sit on the couch next to Avery who is not so inconspicuously on Niall's lap.

Oh well, I get the benefit of being next to both of them without them being separated.


On my other side sits Zayn, which Harry is of course pouting about like the baby he is.

I really don't give a mustard.

He needs to get over himself and realize he isn't the god he thinks he is.

Like that'll happen anytime soon.


Anyway, it's sort of nice, just chilling like this, if not a but awkward after the drama yesterday.

That's just what you get with us I guess.

Harry keeps trying to flirt, the cheeky git. I'm already doubting in his ability to have children based on the number of times I have kicked him in certain regions today.


I'm actually starting not to mind it as much, it's a little fun to whack him.

Okay, what the hell are you thinking Alyssa? There is nothing "fun" about him.

Still doesn't explain the strange connection I feel with him though.

Not like I'm going to do anything about it. I've seen his type. They do nothing but cause pain.

I've had enough of that.


There ya goooooo! :D

I'm being really good, updating every day.

Just sucks that I start MAP testing next week.

For those of you who don't know what that is, it's the Missouri Assessment Program. Basically, it's a rrrrrrreeeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyy long test that takes about a week.


So, I may not update as much since I'll be all brain-dead. I'll try to, but I'll update extra this week to make up for it. K? K.

Oh, I'm really excited cuz I get to sit with my friends at lunch again! YAY! My principal was being stupid and assigning seats, but now we get to sit wherever again. Woohoo!

Anyway, sorry for the boredom of notes. Comment and vote! Please, you have no idea how much it means to me to see that. As a gift for the MAP test...? Lol. TALK TO YA SOON!

Oh wait, one more thing. Should I do a chapter in someone else's point of view and who's? LET MEH KNOW



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