Girls are strong too, you know.

13 1 0

Advance warning, this is going to be short and fillery, sorry. My head is killing me. :(


Song of the chapter- Last First Kiss by One Direction because Alysry. That is all.


"Explain, because I sure as hell don't understand what just happened." I snort a little at Niall's comment, amused.

We're all back at the flat, sitting on the various couches. I'm snuggled against Harry, and everyone else is trying to figure out what happened.

I take a deep breath and start.

"Basically, my mom died due to birth complications. I did originally live in London, until I ran away which I'll explain later. My father spiraled out of control and became an alcoholic and a drug addict. He would abuse me all the time, and I couldn't do anything about it. Then, one day when I was four, Anne walked in and said that she was going to be my new mum. After that, Harry came in. Immediately we were best friends. As with most boy/girl relationships, I got a crush on him. Don't look at me like that, look at him! He's a fricking chick magnet. Anyways, I really liked Harry and I had to get over him so I got together with Nate when I was 12. I liked him alright, but not near as much. Don't groan, I know I'm cheesy. After about a year, he broke up with me. Around that time I figured out I was in love with Harry. Yes, at 13. Around a year later, my father and Anne broke it off, and Harry and I confessed our love. Yes, cheesy, I don't give a fudge. Anyway, so after that my father abused me again until one night it got so bad I blacked out, forgetting everything about myself, even my name. That's when I ran off and came to America. Living on my own at 15. Yep."

There's a bit of a stunned silence and I roll my eyes. "Girls are strong too, you know."

Harry squeezes my hand. "I know."

I turn to him. "So, question." He nods. "Why were you such a jerk to me?"

A sheepish look comes onto his face. "Err, that's how I flirt... Oops?"

I just shake my head, giggling a little. "Only you."

Yes, only you Harry.

Only you.



So okay, important. I'm going on vacation this weekend, so I won't be able to update as much, if at all. I know, it sucks. I have to pack tomorrow, so I probably won't be able to update. I'm sorry, I love you guys! <3


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