Twenty-Eight: Lilac

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All of my friends had left right around noon, and I was currently sitting in my room cleaning up a little. We hadn't slept at all, and frankly I wasn't tired. I had been chugging energy drinks since yesterday around four.

I had well passed the normal amount, probably drinking around 10 or 11 big cans. I'm pretty sure all my friends had went home and slept, but I'd just hold out until tonight.

I was dreading the boys to wakeup, simply because I knew I would be in trouble. My friends had left and Luke's hair was lilac. Not permanently, but he wouldn't know that at first. I think it suited him though, maybe I really should've dyed it. No, if I did that he might actually kill me even if it did look good.

The boys should be waking up soon though because it's almost one. They were exhausted from yesterday and didn't have energy drinks like I did. I remember James said something about a present in my closet, so I rush in there seeing a bag on my shoe table.

Carefully I remove the contents of the bag on by one. The first thing being a tattoo choker, and I smile just knowing he remembered me wanting one. He second thing I pull out is my time capsule contents from freshman year. We all decide it would be better to wait until the end of sophomore year, but I asked James to collect my envelope because I wasn't there.

I read through my letter, seeing exactly what I wrote down.

Favorite TV Show: Pretty Little Liars. Well that's no different than now.

Favorite Ice Cream: Moose Tracks. My favorite at the moment is Coffee.

Friends: Lacey, Brianna, Jane, Alyssa, Becca. Well that's completely different besides Bri. I don't even speak to the other girls anymore.

Favorite Band/Artist: Ed Sheeran. Well he's my favorite artist, but my favorite band is All Time Low.

The next thing I take out is a picture of me. I don't even look like me honestly. I'm wearing a black leather skirt and a white shirt with bright pink lips on it. I've got on a whatever beanie though, so at least it's got some of my style. I'm wearing some weird eye makeup that I definitely wouldn't be wearing now. These girls made me be someone I wasn't. I'm so glad I took a full body picture so I could see myself then.

The last two thing in the envelope are my favorite red lipstick, which I rarely wear at all anymore, and my flower pendant necklace. I smile, James remembered to give me my envelope. There's still more gifts from him in the bag though.

I pull out a sheet music rubber bracelet and slide it onto my wrist, liking it a lot. There's also a bow and arrow necklace which I put with my other jewelry, and now choker as well. I then pull out another necklace, but this one catches my eye more. It's a heart shaped necklace that says 'still into you' on it.

Does James still like me? I know it's a song, but I feel like it means something. In hindsight, he probably does. He's kissed me several times and everyone always tells me he likes me. I sigh, putting the necklace on and let it sit under my shirt, hidden. The last thing I pull out of the bag is a shirt.

It reads, 'We Were The Worst' and has two roses making a heart. But the heart is in half. I really like the shirt, so I smile, but not as wide as I should be. I clearly remember James saying something like this to me before.

It was when we spent that day out, walking through the city and taking Polaroids with each other after eating a Burger King. He had said, "We're the worst when we're together." with a humongous grin on his face.

I agreed with a "What's so bad about being the worst? We may be the worst, but I enjoy it. Who says that it has to be a bad thing?" right before we held up a ton of traffic by playing chicken in the road. I can remember that day so clearly. It seems like it was so recent.

I shake all thought out of my head and get dressed. I throw on the shirt James gave me with some black skinnies, but make sure to keep the 'still into you' necklace under the lining of the shirt. That's when I hear knocking on my closest door and sigh, opening it to see Calum and Ashton only, thank god.

"Hey Mads!" Ashton chirps. "Hope you and your friends had fun last night. We crashed a little before one direction left." I smile, thanking them for letting me have people sleep over and everything.

"Where'd you get that shirt? It looks like it came straight from Luke's closet, between 'Destroy yourself see you who gives a fuck' and 'go all the away' right?" Calum snorts and I laugh a little bit.

"No, It's just been in my closet I guess." I shrug, not necessarily lying. James put it in my closet yesterday. That's when I hear the loud laugh and shriek. Luke's awake. "Cashton, protect me." I hide behind them while they roll their eyes because I called them Cashton. Luke and Michael burst in, Luke looking extremely angry.

The boys look at Luke's hair and nod a little bit, liking it as well. It does suit him, especially with the lip piercing and everything. It looks really good on him.

"What the hell did you do to my hair? Again Madison? I thought we were over this!" he groans, checking him out in my mirror. I laugh a little bit.

"Uh, don't mind me, but isn't that Michael's hair from like 2014?" Calum asks carefully and Michael nods. Luke just plays with his flattened lilac morning hair.

"I'm not gonna lie, but I'm straight and he looks hot." Ashton says nonchalantly, the other two boys agreeing. This is common, the boys calling each other hot.

"Don't worry Luke, it'll wash out in a week. I swear, I used temporary. If it makes you feel better ill do mine too." before they can answer, I run into the bathroom and turn my blonde hair into lilac. The boys tried to get in to stop me, but I locked the door. I come out with hair matching Luke's and Michael hugs me.

"I have been waiting for the day you dyed your hair. You really are my cousin." the other boys sigh, looking at me. I just snort at Michael.

"It's temporary. Don't worry." I roll my eyes, making Luke take a silly selfie with me for twitter. A lot of the replies are either me getting hate, saying Luke is hot, or that we stole Michael's hair. If they hate me so much, why do they have my notifications on or follow me?

I brush through my hair, fixing it. I actually like it, I think it suits me too. Luke is still looking at me, unsure if he likes it or not I'm guessing.

"It's okay. It looks good. I like it," Luke smiles at me, no longer caring about his hair. Ashton and Calum just leave it, as it's temporary. They don't seem to mind it really, which is good.

We all head downstairs and Luke and Michael take notice of my shirt. Michael asks if it's Luke's and Luke and I both deny it, Luke saying he's never seen it before. I just lean back on the counter as they talk, I only listen.

"We're gonna go get some pizza, we'll be back in a little while." Three boys walk out the front door, slamming it shut behind them. That leaves Luke and I home while they're out getting pizza.

I sigh, climbing up and sitting on the counter while I run my fingers through my temporarily lilac hair. I kind of like it like this, but I would never dye it permanently because it would be too difficult to go blonde again if I wanted to. I look at Luke's lip ring, lilac hair, and ice cold eyes. They remind me of the ocean a bit.

"Y'know, I like your hair like that." Luke says randomly, walking up to me and standing between my legs. I make eye contact with him, our faces pretty close. Luke closes his eyes, leaning in.

Then our lips meet.


Imma end it there because I'm a terrible person and I just love to make you guys wait. People told me they wanted Laddie to kiss again, so they are. Remember, this is not going to turn into a full Luke fanfic

I might start working on another update, but wheres the fun in that? Maybe I'll jut go to bed instead...

Also, keep in mind that in America this would be illegal, because Luke is over the age of 18 and Maddie is under 18. It's just a kiss, but it's still illegal. But in this story, they are in Australia. The age of consent is not 18 there, it is 16. Maddie turned 16 yesterday, so this little kiss is not illegal.

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