Thirty-Eight: Double Date?

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I had slept all day yesterday, my hangover strong. Today, we were all called in for an emergency meeting in an hour. I had plans to go see a movie with James, Violet, and Greg afterwards though. I assumed Greg and Violet thought it would be a double date, boy were they wrong.

I threw on some ripped black skinny jeans and the shirt James gave me for my birthday, with some black converse. I tucked my necklace under my shirt, I hadn't really taken it off. I knew I liked Luke now, but I liked the gifts from James.

As soon as I stepped out of my room, I bumped into Calum. He chuckled, grabbing my shoulders to steady me. I sighed, stepping back not my room with him before shutting the door.

"I know we asked about this, but do everyone a favor and never get drunk again." I raised an eyebrow at him. "You called Luke and his eyes pretty, and then asked if you were allowed to do something. We thought you were going to kiss him in front of Michael." he shakes his head, my eyes widening.

"Uh, what did I do exactly?" I bite my lip, looking into his eyes.

"You just booped his fucking nose, Mads."

"Oh thank god." I let out a breath. If I kissed Luke in front of Michael, I would go live at Emmett's house. I would never show my face again. Calum and I tread down the stairs and into the kitchen, where the three other boys stand talking.

I nod at them, leaning against the counter.

"Oh, can I go to a movie later?" I ask the boys. "It'll be me, James, Violet, and Greg." I add before they can ask no I'm going with.

Michael raises an eyebrow at me. "Is it like, a double date?" I shrug nervously.

"Uh y-yeah? I guess so." I send Luke an apologizing look, him nodding in understanding. Michael nods, taking out his wallet.

"Be home before 10." he hands me some money for the movies, me thanking him quietly. He's hesitant about it, but little does he know James and I are just friends. He'd still rather have me go out with James than Luke of course, but after what happened two years ago with James, he worries about him. "Let's head out to the meeting."

When we arrive at the building, we're immediately taken to the room where the boys management waits. Like usual, we lean up against the wall instead of taking an actual seat, despite there being some for us. I nod at George, remembering the time that I slapped him thinking he was Calum.

"This meeting is about Madison." I groan, throwing my head back. Why is it always about me? "Was she, drunk?" I gulp. Did I do something? I don't really remember anything I did.

"Uh- it's- yes?" Ashton sighs, I look up with an innocent smile.

"Well have you checked her twitter?" I whip out my phone, going on twitter worriedly. Apparently, drunk me tweeted something about vodka.

I'm so dead.

"Look, I was drunk. The boys were out and I just- it's not going to happen again. Can we go?" I bite my lip, done with this meeting. I regret drinking enough already, I don't need to know that I fucked up.

"Fine. We'll clear this up by saying the boys gave you permission to try it under their supervision. Just go."

The boys and I go home in silence, not really an awkward silence though. It's just that nobody knows what to say about it. We hang out in the living room, before I realize it's about time to meet my friends at the park.

I say by to the boys, Luke kissing my forehead when Michael was in the other room. I was now comfortable walking by myself, and the boys were comfortable with me walking alone as well. I sat on the swings next to James while we waited for the other two to arrive.

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