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Hello and several other things.

To start off, I can honestly say I've been to hell and back. My school has NO air conditioning... and the rooms I have classes in have been declared by our principal as the HOTTEST rooms in the entire school (over 500 rooms, and about 5 stories tall) , to be more particular, by 11:30, my history room was reaching temperatures of 95 and above ( It had been officially dubbed the hottest room in the school). My English room was at a steady 90 throughout 6 and 7 period, and my science room had hit 93 by the middle of the day. None of my teachers decided to teach ANYTHING, in fact my English teacher and French teacher didn't even bother show up.

So without any further ado:

My Ballad to Penndale:

Oh Penndale, How I love thee so...

There are a few things I'll remember most though...

The old crusty fans that throw crap in your face

The revolting food so carefully placed on my tray

The beautiful smells from gym class that waft up all day

The wonderfully fake Styrofoam walls

The high-tech laptops that shut off every five minutes

The comfortable desks that squeak if you move an inch

The lockers that love to stay closed

The friendly doors that slam in your face

The soda machine students are forbidden to use

The welcoming environment provided by all the joyful students

The feel of the morning locker head smash

But most of all dearest Penndale..

I'll miss the air conditioning.

If you couldn't sense the sarcasm in that ballad please die in the nearest hole...

Side Note: Tara, please die in a hole. Your school has air conditioning, good food, laptops, and students... BIG WOOP, PENNDALE has ... er... STYROFOAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (jkjk ily Tara)


Anywho, onto the next thing.

NEW POEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! READ IT DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's called Desire and Decay: Patch thee My Black Misery


A little somethin' for all you followers and such...

"Hey Hey Hey all my fine-ish square friends! ( a twist form the usual fine feathered friends XD) Though it's a bit out of my norm, I have a new poem called Desire and Decay: Patch Thee My Black Misery. So far it's gotten good reviews so go ahead, I know you wan to.. READ IT damn you!!! Lol. (Grr... yet ANOTHER distraction form my main TWO novels... Hmm, I really should pear down that number a bit...)


Anywho, for those of you who have enjoyed my work in the past and need something to read you're in luck! ALL OF MY WORK is the SAME.. to a point, it's all fairly dark, thoughtful, and such... but anyway, there are 10 of um, so get reading all you @randomwhootz fans!


Also for the poetry lovers I have a request for you... if you want to see more poetry I need encouragement, Poetry isn't my thing, so I'd like to see if possible 20+ votes on one of my poems before I write more, this is mostly because I need to be focusing on my main novel, but if I get enough positive feed back I may put that on hold for a bit and write poetry.




Boop, thanks all. (And PLEASE don't be a stalker and come to my school... that's just creepy...)


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