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Wooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter five actualy sounds good now..... if only I could finish it now....

So because our bells and announcements haven't been working for a while at school Our secretary came on over the ANNOUNCEMNETS to tell us "Email and phones will be down today, also If you can not hear this announcement send an email or call the main office"

What a fail....

back to me for a moment.....................

IT SNOWED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the THIRD day of SPRING it snowed...............


My shirt also says "Fail"

Speaking of fail...... my cat got himself stuck in his cat door today....


My english teacher gave us a rant about how some people have spitting games for their family game night... the whole point was NO GUM IN SCHOOL, but it made me roflamo.....

In science we did this thingy with moon phases... At first it made NO SENSE, then our teacher explained why it didn't, and then showed us again and it STILL made no sense, I mean how is the placement of a solid colored bouncy ball next to a baseball supposed to show me moon phases?????

In history.... we had a test.... it was kinda funny because my teacher is paranoid about cheeting so we moved our desks to the perimiter of the room and faced every other one a different way.....

This morning, on the bus..... We had an evacuation drill.... And apparently if a truck ever runs into us and we have a problem we should leave our things (ipods, phones,backpacks etc. ) on the buss and in a calm and orderly fasion evacuate from the front back off out of the rear entrance....

Scrw that crap, it'm grabbin my stuff and running right off the bus first, i don't care "if it's not polocy" I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this is why, I have only written a paragraph more of chapter five

Ps: You all lost the game

PPS: Screw you Rebecca Black, thanks for ruining my Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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