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  • Dedicated to All the Idiots in the world who have succeeded in making this the worst day EVER



Please excuse the following rant and leave if you cannot handle what you are about to read...



Begin Rant


I hate the world... nuf said... It's kinda self explanitory, but incase you are one of the many morons that walk the earth let me elaborate a bit more.

I hate being sick. Especially when I'm not sick enough to stay home and just too sick to not feel like shit all the time.

I hate the imbeciles in my classes that can't put forth even enough brain cells to even begin to understand simple directions like "Shut the hell up"

I have no faith in my generation, especially if one of these idiots will be President someday. Lord help us all if this is our future.

Why must I be cursed with such a genius mind, but the effort capacity of a peanut? Why must I be placed in such remedial class just because I was to effin lazy to study for shit? I'm a friggin straight A student, I'm in AP classes all except for MATH because I couldn't give a shit about how to multiply the x variable by the dividend of y to the fifth. For God's sake, I don't care to know nor would I ever need to know. And even so schools place idiots in AP classes, what, is this a joke? Do you WANT them to fail, I have no qualms with watching them try pathetically and fail so epically, but really... It's not helping me to have to sit and waste time in AP English while the teacher explains to the "rest" of the class why "How much A's are there in the class." is improper grammar. It's as if the administration is mocking the more intellectual population of the school by placing such students in AP classes.


End Rant


And this is all because I was let out of math late because the tards in my class can't keep their effin mouths closed so I didn't eat lunch, and because I have 10 extra chapters to read in English because there are retards in my class who aren't mature enough to understand it's not good to dance in class.


Now for the most epic thing I have ever read in a dictionary…



1. Psychology . a person of the second order in a former classification of mental retardation, above the level of idiocy, having a mental age of seven or eight years and an intelligence quotient of 25 to 50.

And this my friends is EXACTLY what I have to deal with EVERY day.

Source - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/imbecile

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